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Ocular Accommodation Strain
How Demanding Visual Close Work Presents a Health Challenge for People Today

Kaisu Viikari, MD, PhD

Translation by Elisabeth and Anthony Landon
ARJ2 Chapter: Evolution of Consciousness
Published by Turun Sanomat/FI in 1978
A Book Review by Bobby Matherne ©2014


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If someone has just told you
that so-and-so is saying something bad about you,
do not try to justify yourself in the least
regard to what has been reported to you;
only answer:

"He must not be fully informed
about all the other things that
could be said about me; otherwise
he would not have limited himself to that."

From "Virtue and Happiness" — The Manual of Epictetus

Dr. Kaisu Viikari, M.D., Ph. D. in Ophthalmology has been called a "hausfrau" (housewife) or "society lady with a hobby" in various screeds of her critics(1) over the past four decades, but she was more than what her detractors said about her. She was and remains a vibrant force for healing the evils of latent hyperopia and acquired myopia(2) in our time. Her book still sells to people all over the world who are interested is saving the eyesight of themselves, their family, and friends. The eye professionals can remain clueless as to the value of her work, but only to the detriment of the eyes and overall health of their patients.

Even at the age of 92 and in frail health, she has mastered emailing and English in addition to her native Finnish and early exposure to German. In a December 9, 2012 email to me and edited by me for clarity, she wrote:

Here's why I sent you the journal page: they were speaking about the thickening of the lens in the cases of strong myopias without any understanding of why the intra-ocular pressure nowadays is so increased!

Apparently these so-called professionals are unaware of what I have emphasized in my writings, explaining in detail how in cases of strong myopia the anterior chamber angle becomes shallower and makes the filtration of the intra-ocular fluids more difficult.

Even more important is the case in angle closure glaucoma, in hyperopes. These same professionals know about, but do not understand that even stronger plus (+ Diopter) lenses should be prescribed for such patients. This is such a simple solution which only requires that patients wear them. The alternative is glaucoma, which is dangerous to eye health, expensive to treat, but, to the doctor's advantage, keeps patients coming back for treatment.

What's wrong with glaucoma drops to reduce the pressure? She wrote later on December 10, 2012:

There are, in several places in Ocular Accommodation Strain that I mentioned this connection between hyperopia and the intra-ocular pressure. Already on pages 362, 363, again and again and on p.369 it is, underlined, said that it is a real professional bungling not to understand this basic etiology! The worst thing is the eye-doctors who immediately prescribe eye-drops for glaucoma, disdaining the simple correction of plus diopter lenses!

Here is Case History No. 1536 as an example of how Dr. Kaisu has treated patients who came to her after so-called successful operations, but without appropriate adjustment to their lenses.

[page 362] The poor final result of many operations that have otherwise gone well must undoubtedly be attributed, at least in part, to lack of glasses. Case history No. 1536, a married lady, born in 1906 is an example ; During the course of a single day the vision in her left eye became blurred, accompanied by severe pain. This seems to have been an acute glaucoma attack. The following day the patient was admitted to an eye clinic on the instructions of her local doctor and at that time her intraocular pressure was 50. She was treated with pilocarpine, the pressure fell to 20 mmHg and ten days later she was operated on (post-iridectomy conditions in the eye). After the operation, drops were administered for three weeks, but gradually the eye became blind. One year before the operation an optician had prescribed reading glasses +3.5 and +3.75. No change was made in the glasses after the operation. Three years after the operation the patient came to see me because her optician had refused to order her new spectacles. She still had no distant glasses. Examination showed that the refraction in the eye that had not been operated on was at least +4.(5) and that visus, fundus, pressure and visual fields were normal.

There are many more examples from Dr. Viikari's case work in this book. It is literally a treasure trove of information about treating eye patients. Especially important is the cases involving migraine headaches which she was able to relieve by adjusting the patients's eyeglass prescriptions. People came to her from all over Europe for relief from persistent and often un-treatable cases of migraines, and she says that she treated over 2,000 such cases in her surgery (doctor’s office) in Turku, Finland.

In a July 22, 2011 email Dr. Viikari wrote me, "Contact lenses are the death of all relaxation of the ciliary cramp. They are a straitjacket!" Do you remember wearing eyeglasses and taking them off for a few minutes to "rest your eyes"? Can't do that with contact lenses, can you? I recall my own reactions to wearing contact lenses prompted me to discard them quickly. When Lasik surgery came around, I was skeptical as to its efficacy, and Dr. Viikari's advice was to avoid it. From reports of several of our children who have had the expensive Lasik surgery and are now unable to see clearly without glasses, I am glad I skipped that surgery. Instead, based on Dr. Viikari's recommendations, I began wearing +D lenses (aka reading glasses) and discarded my -2D lenses. Within 3 months, I could drive and read street signs during daylight hours without any corrective lenses. I use +.5 D lenses while working on my computer screens, +2D for reading, and for night driving, I use -1D lenses.

Albert Einstein once said, "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth." He was not derogating authority per se, only a respect which disengages one's own thinking ability, a respect which is followed blindly in pursuit of monetary goals, instead of a pursuit of truth in general and the pursuit of patients' well-being in particular, as Dr. Viikari did during her lifetime work in research and patient treatment. Unfortunately, those journal authorities who denied her work's publication(3) have done a great disservice to the thousands upon thousands of patients in the world who are unknowingly mistreated with eye operations, drugs, lasers, contact lenses, etc.

Many people must wonder how the solution to the problem of ocular accommodation, such a complicated problem, could have ever been revealed to an eye practitioner seeing patients in a small surgery in Turku, Finland. To grasp how this is possible, one must study the woman herself, Kaisu Viikari.

To study and understand the dynamic problems of accommodation required a researcher with a Medical Degree in Ophthalmology, a Ph. D. in Ophthalmology, plus these prerequisites:

People have already for decades since Kaisu's original work been occupied with their own scientific interests, e.g., medicine, astronomy, archaeology, space, air, water, ecology, etc., and experiencing a demand to produce something. This demand can prevent a decades-long dedication to a scientific and medical problem, a dedication which is required for solving the mystery of ocular accommodation. Kaisu Viikari has given this dedication and solved this problem, and yet scientists still claim there is no solution. They continue to look in the dark of their academies, all the while, out in the open, in the light of her books, there is the solution, waiting for the academics to absorb and learn from them, and especially for eye doctors to begin "doing no harm to their patients" as their Hippocratic Oath requires.

In addition Kaisu has been in a favorable position to study the autonomic nervous system during her dissertation work, and appreciated the limitless importance of the autonomic nervous system for the organism and it became clear how important it was to solving the problem of ocular accommodation. For example, understanding how positive accommodation affects the parasympathetic nervous system and de-accommodation (i.e., relaxation of the accommodating muscle m. ciliaris, which can also be voluntary) affects the sympathetic nervous system.

Dr. Kaisu Viikari could have had no idea how much the research she documented in her dissertation and early books (such as this one) would "rock the boat" of academics in her field of ophthalmology in future decades! Only now, retired from her daily work of seeing patients in her small office, can she devote time to correcting the numerous injustices done to her work by academics who rail against her work in the absence of any signs of their having studied, much less having understood, her work. [See her book, The Struggle for details of these injustices.)

At the age of 92, she has mastered the Internet and emails enough to help set the record straight about the ease and simplicity of the corrections needed to save the eyes of people, especially children, from the ravages the technology in the 21st Century can create upon their eyes and overall health.

On June 27, 2014, I received this correspondance and have edited it slightly for this review. It is a precise and concise description of how accommodation strain can be transmitted via the trigeminus nerve to create pain in all sections of the human body.


Accommodation and the Trigeminus nerve
Dr. Kaisu Viikari, Ph. D., M.D. Ophthalmology

A Personal Correspondance
Translated from the Finnish by Liisa Honkasaari

In my earlier writings, I made reference to a highly important topic — the way accommodation strain is reflected to our entire bodies. This is made possible by the extensive, tree-like structure of our nervous system, in which everything is connected to everything else. For example, communicating branches (rami communicantes) link the major subsystems of the peripheral and the autonomic nervous system from the nerves in the spinal cord to the sympathetic trunk and vice versa. Almost any impulse may thus be projected to any part of our bodies.

For example, researchers are well familiar with the concept of referred pain, where pain is felt at a location far away from the actual process causing it. While you may come across textbooks of ophthalmology that mention referred pain symptoms related to accommodation, they appear to pass them by with only a cursory discussion, judging from the fact that in practice, you very rarely see this highly important, extensive, and extremely central area of medicine being applied in treatment. Quite commonly, the aim seems to be at the "best visual acuity", which is hardly a sound basis for treatment of the whole human, as it focuses only the acuity of the eyes which may be achieved at the expense of the health of the eyes and the rest of the body.

A fogging examination will illustrate these referred pain neurophysiological phenomena in more concrete terms in a human being. It has happened several times that a co-operative patient of mine, under strong fogging of a number of dioptres, suddenly cried out: "What an awful shock wave went through me, all the way to the tips of my toes!" or "Goodness, I just cannot keep my eyes open, it's like my eyes were being pricked by a thousand needles!" The fogging had caused a massive release in the accommodation muscle, which triggered such a strong impulse in its nervous branches that it went through the entire network of the nervous system and the body. Any doctor who has witnessed this physical reaction, which I have on many occasions, cannot deny the effect that a narrow mindset focused primarily on visual acuity may have on the health of a patient.

Of all of our physiological functions, accommodation strain is perhaps the one that is most widely shared by us modern humans, and the work of the accommodation muscle, apart from the heart, perhaps the most ceaseless. Stress on our eyes thus often is the final straw that causes an upheaval in our bodily resources. However, while releasing accommodation strain is an extremely easily implemented and rewarding therapeutic intervention, it is a great loss to all peoples of this world that it is not exploited as fully as possible, up until now.

If the physiology of accommodation and the significance of accommodation strain are not fully understood, the examination of the cause at the root of the patients' problems, or etiology, is misdirected, being based on wrong assumptions, and the treatment becomes hit and miss. This is even more regrettable as the trigeminal nerve (Nervus trigeminus), a vital sensory nerve in our bodies named as the cause of the most infernal pain, is also the sensory nerve for the eye, and it plays an important neuro-ophthalomological role.


The trigeminus nerve, or V-cranial nerve, whose name describes its three branches, starts from a nucleus located in the brain, in the pons in the base of the skull. Morphologically, it is closely associated with another important nerve in the eye, or the oculomotor nerve (N. oculomotorius, III cerebral nerve). On its way to the eyeball, it sends a so-called long branch to the ganglion ciliare at the back of the eye socket(Figure 1).

Despite of its small size, only a couple of millimetres, this ganglion is highly important, both anatomically and physiologically. Figure 2, which shows how the nerve tracks from ggl. eiliare connect like reins with the rest of our tree-like nervous system, is intended to support the permanent memorisation of this vital centre's location.

Figure 1. Ciliary ganglion G = Ganglion ciliare, 1 = root of the parasympathetic oculomotor nerve (Nervous ocumolorius) 2 = root of the sympathetic nerve plexus 3= root of the trigemenial nerve (Nervus trigeminus).

Figure 2 An illustrative figure showing the location of the ganglion ciliare and nervous tracks that, like reins, connect this important ganglion to the entire tree-like nervous system in our bodies.

How clearly this image reminds me of the way in which almost every migraine patient, when describing where they feel the pain, presses their fingers on the location of that ganglion on their temples, on one side or the other, sometimes on alternating sides, or on both sides simultaneously. I have also personally experienced the "knife stab" at the back of the eyeball from the time when I used to stay up all night writing my thesis for the first and the last time, as nowadays I continuously wear my plus glasses!

Branches from cranial nerve III and from the sympathetic nerve plexus surrounding the carotid and cranial arteries also extend to ganglion ciliare, this meeting place for the various components of our nervous system.

From the front of the ganglion ciliare, the nerve fibres continue on and divide into some twenty branches and (as short ciliary nerves) go through the eyeball together with the optic nerve (N. opticus, cranial nerve II), then travel between the coats lining the eyeball and reach the front sections of the eye, the ciliary muscle, the iris and the cornea.

Figure 1 further shows how two branches of the trigeminal nerve travel along both sides (as long ciliary nerves), also to the front of the eye. The cornea was designed to provide efficient protection for the eye. Consequently, here the nerve branches into numerous end organs, with more or less one for each surface cell. Indeed, the cornea is the part in our bodies that has the highest density of sensory nerve endings, which explains the "thousand needles" I mentioned earlier.

The optical branch of trigeminus I (N. ophthalmicus) also sends filaments to the external muscles of the eye, which should be remembered when patients sometimes, for example when suffering from flu, complain about sensitivity when moving the eyes.

When we accommodate our eyes, resulting in overstrain in the accommodation muscles, this means that the ciliary muscle is overstrained and feels it as discomfort, similarly to any other muscle. The trigeminus nerve then transmits this pain not only to the eye and its surroundings but also other parts of the body. I wonder how many doctors in general realise that their patient's headache is caused by the trigeminus nerve!

It should be possible to get a reasonable idea of the many and varied trigeminus symptoms from proper text books, but to my own eyes it was revealed specifically when examining my extensive body of migraine patients with severe symptoms (some 2,500 cases), and the symptoms I discuss here all belong to the same category.

I write down an accurate anamnesis (medical history), however, without leading the patient, as the patient's own expressions are invaluable. With accurate correspondence to anatomical innervation zones, the patients then describe a huge variety of symptoms. I thought I had already heard it all when, as I was planning this article, a 38-year-old woman (P.H.) described her headache as follows: "It feels like somewhere inside my head, in the middle of the brain, somebody was pushing up a sharp wedge, the sides of which tend to widen and cause a feeling of pressure." I would possibly associate this with the branch of trigeminus I leading to the brain, which innervates the tentorium part of the hard meninges (Tentorium cerebelli).

In general, a number of sensory branches lead to the neurocranium, not only from all three branches of the trigeminus (rami meningici) but also from cranial nerves X and XII. These explain why an ache caused by the eyes may be felt in all areas of the head, often even as a band around the head, which is not at all obvious to the patients. On the contrary, when I suggest that their headache could be caused by the eyes, their usual argument is, "But I feel it at the very back of my head!"

In addition to aches in the actual eye and its immediate surroundings, the forehead is one of the most usual areas where pain is felt. The said branches of the trigeminus nerve exit the skull via the upper edge of the eye socket, then turn up towards the forehead and top of the head. Some patients may say their scalp is so sensitive they cannot comb their hair. Sensitivity may be felt at the "holes" in the upper edge of the eye socket, and rubbing these spots feels good and provides relief. This is one area, in addition to spots corresponding with many other branches of the trigeminus nerve in the face, that Chinese school children are taught to massage to release accommodation in an effort to prevent myopia.


The "funniest" symptoms are those produced by the neural endings of trigeminus II that extend from above and back to the nasal mucous membranes. To promote the release of the accommodation spasm so that I can examine refraction, I usually make (headache) patients wait for some time, wearing plus glasses that release the cramp (or "confiscate" their minus glasses). At times, after a while, I hear an extraordinary burst of sneezing from the waiting room, and the patient calls out from behind the door: "It's because of these glasses!" "I know", is my reply.

When the tightly contracted accommodation muscle is suddenly released, such a strong impulse in the trigeminus nerve is caused that it triggers the sneezing reflex. I know from personal experience how, when you spread out your newspaper in the morning, you can sometimes start sneezing in a similar fashion, the more readily, the more under-corrected glasses you are wearing. Patients often think this is caused by an "allergy to the newsprint ink"! In this case, the accommodation muscle, which relaxes while we rest at night, suddenly has to assume its reading tonus. This again means an exceptionally big change in the muscle, which triggers a nervous impulse. It may also happen later on in the day if you, in the middle of your usual daily chores, for example pick up a dictionary with small print and start looking for a certain entry, perhaps even using the top section of bifocals.

It seems that both a major release and a contraction of the muscle are equally likely to trigger a strong nervous impulse — in this case, in the trigeminus nerve. In an ordinary person's life, naturally, the triggering effect usually is a contraction in the muscle.

The same mechanism is in the background of several types of runny noses caused by the circulatory and nervous systems, or so-called vasomotoric rhinitis. The patients often afterwards interpret them as allergies, or else they think they have caught a cold, but for some funny reason, the illnesses progresses no further. For several years, I have had the opportunity of observing patients of this type. It is perhaps also worth mentioning that the nasal discharge produced by sneezing is much thicker and more viscous in its consistency than nasal discharge during an ordinary period or, for example, tears provoked by the wind.

Phonetic sneezing

The following amusing observation, while perhaps slightly more complicated, is a similar reaction transmitted by the trigeminus nerve:

We were attending a conference in Sidney, and the "ladies" had taken lunch at a very dimly lit restaurant. When this group emerged to face the blinding southern sun, after a short while there was an incredible chorus of sneezing on the street! It is possible that I was particularly sensitive to observing it — as I had been tuned in to this issue for years.

This reflex has been explained in many ways, but my own version is the following: naturally, there is no uncertainty about the cause, which is light. But why did not everybody react in the same way? For example, why not I myself, even if at other times I have frequently experienced the same phenomenon? Light triggers a strong contraction of the pupil. Knowing that a group of women in the conference-going age is likely to wear glasses that are under-corrected in the plus direction, and as in general they do not have distance glasses with plus sections, their pupils would already be rather small as a result of parasympaticonia caused by accommodation strain. When a pupil like this is hit by strong light, the muscle regulating the pupil needs to contract further. This amounts to such a major impulse in the iris that its sensory nerve, or trigeminus, triggers a sneezing reflex. As I wear glasses with a considerable degree of plus correction, my pupil, on the other hand, is usually not small, and it can manage the protective action required by light with less drama.

The same explanation applies to light sensitivity that uncorrected hyperopes so often complain about. I usually say we should see what symptoms remain after you have been wearing normal clear glasses for a while, and then we can think about tinted lenses.

This ever wiser scientific world of ours contains an incredible number of self-evident truths, over which there hovers an atmosphere of the great unknown! The sneezing reflex caused by bright light is one of these. As late as in 1984, one out of maybe four of the most distinguished medical journals in the world was wondering how this reflex is so poorly known to neurologists. However, an article on this question can be traced back to as early as 1954(6), and Everett (1964)(7) even reports a case, a 25-year-old man, who deliberately looks into the sun to enjoy a good sneeze!

It is such a pity that information about refraction and the glasses the patients were wearing is lacking in these articles, similarly to all medical and even ophthalmological literature in general — should we say, in 100 per cent of cases. In this respect ophthalmologist have done, and are still doing, a poor job.

And yet another example of an impulse that provokes sneezing: a patient was wondering why he always sneezes "when scratching his head"? Obviously, his nails hit a branch of the trigeminus (triteminal nerve) responsible for enervating the top of the head. In my book, Panacea, I also describe patients who experienced similar sneezing reflexes.


This is a working review of the large tome whose full name was originally Panacea: The Clinical Significance of Ocular Accommodation. I plan to add to this review as time goes on. To keep up-to-date with any changes, subscribe to my monthly Issues of DIGESTWORLDtm(8).

---------------------------- Footnotes -----------------------------------------

Footnote 1.
See her book, The Struggle, which details her battles with optical profession colleagues, even today some thirty-six years after Ocular Accommodation Strain was published.

Return to text directly before Footnote 1.

Footnote 2.
See her most popular book, Learn to Understand & Prevent Myopia.

Return to text directly before Footnote 2.

Footnote 3.
See her book, The Struggle.

Return to text directly before Footnote 3.

Footnote 4.

Example of a textbook of ophthalmology from the good times: Lehrbuch der Augenheilkunde von TH Axenfeld (1912)

Return to text directly before Footnote 4.

Footnote 5.

A super book, which also handles clinical accommodation: Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology, Frank B. Walsh. M.D., F. R. C.S. (Ed.) D.Sc. (W.A.-Hon.), Second Edition 1957, 1294 pp

Return to text directly before Footnote 5.

Footnote 6.
i1 Sedan J.:Photosternulatory reflex. Oto-neuro-ophthalmol. 1954; 26: 123-6.

Return to text directly before Footnote 6.

Footnote 7.
ii2 Everett H: Sneezing in response to light. Neurology 1964; 14:483-90.
3 Viikari K: Panacea. Turku 1978; pp. 200-1.

Return to text directly before Footnote 7.

Footnote 8.
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Return to text directly before Footnote 8.
~^~ EPILOGUE ~^~

This next passage is quoted from Kaisu Viikari on her website:
Myopia means, increasingly, frequently repeated, easily managed visits to an ophthalmologist or optician due to this complaint, profitable trade of glasses, plenty of contact lenses; and mutilation of healthy eyes that poses a risk to the eyesight and often needs to be repeated, as well as other surgical inventions, which keep an immense money-making racket going – a criminal abuse of the doctors’ knowledge, which is intended for the safeguarding of people’s health.

What Evidence is There for a Claim of Criminal Abuse?

In the January 16, 2010 issue of Science News under News Briefs was an article about the increase of nearsightness (myopia) in the USA. Nathan Seppa wrote:

Researchers tapped into a wide-ranging health survey to rate vision, comparing data for more than 4,400 people tested in 1971 and 1972 with that from another set of 8,300 people test from 1999 to 2004. This broad survey showed that 25 percent of theose examined in the early 1970s were deemed nearsighted, compared with 42 percent examined three decades later, researchers report in the December Archives of Ophthalmology.
If these statistics were describing an almost doubling of actual myopia (which is always due to the anatomical elongation of the eyeball), this would be incredible — it would mean in a short thiry-year span some mutation has occurred in Americans to cause their eyeballs to be elongated! As Dr. Kaisu Viikari says below:
[page 2] Before perusing the theme I will be dealing with, we should take a short trip back in history to realize that myopia is not about an ordinary development trend. It is unlikely that any other consequence of evolution, if this is what we can call it, has come about as fast as myopization. We only have to remember how valuable a myopic slave was in ancient Greece, as a rare person who preserved his ability to read and do near work far longer than the majority of the population. Spectacles were only invented some 700 years ago.

Given the unlikely nature that actual myopia is responsible for the increase in myopia prevalence, it must be the case that these data are revealing the increase of pseudo-myopia, which is easily prevented by the protocols that Dr. Kaisu Viikari describes in her books.

Pseudomyopia is caused by nothing more than a fatigue cramp in an overworked accommodation muscle of the eye. The cramp is brought on by an insufficient opportunity for the muscle to relax (e.g. from too much reading). Pseudomyopia, being a 'spasm of accommodation' can be released. Left unattended however, the spasmic, overworked accommodation muscle will cause the eyeball to elongate causing irreversible, actual myopia. This happens especially in a young eye. Even though an actual myopia has developed, there is always some pseudomyopia included. The pseudomyopic portion of the 'total myopia' can be released, thus the worsening of the myopia is prevented and a variety of symptoms can be relieved (migraine, headaches, etc.).

Perhaps instead of "criminal abuse" it should be called "criminal negligence" because eye doctors have had access to the research and methods of Dr. Viikari and chosen to ignore them. To be "criminal abuse", eye doctors would have to be choosing some more-profitable approach to eye-care which is detrimental to the eyesight and general health of their patients. In either case, eye-patient abuse by the medical profession seems evident from the statistics reported in the December Archives of Ophthalmology. It is rather unbelievable, that an esteemed medical journal writes about the situation without further ponderings of its etiology.


This website by the The Francis Young, Maurice Brumer and Jacob Raphaelson Scientific Study for Threshold Nearsightedness Prevention offers information about a study of myopia reduction and prevention in Navy/Air Force pilots who must have 20/20 uncorrected eyesight in order to fly. This study lists Dr. Kaisu Viikari as an advisor. Here is the website: See for yourself is the best advice.

WHY? What happens when people give reasons . . . and why

Charles Tilly

In this book, Professor Tilly gives his four categories of reasons. Using those four categories, one can easily see that, while Dr. Viikari gave numerous personal stories of healing during her decades of service to her patients, and while she gave detailed technical accounts, the people who opposed her work used the grounds of conventions and codes as reasons to ignore her work. If they had merely ignored her work, they would have deemed it worthless, but for the very reason that they attacked her work, they proclaimed her work worthy of consideration. They revealed by their actions that the danger was to their cherished profession, not to the health of Dr. Viikari's patients. Her patients' improved health is best evinced by the patients' esteem for this courageous researcher in the field of ophthalmology. One example of a patient's testimony is given below in a cartoonal and poetical tribute by Dr. János Székessy.


Here are the covers of two earlier books by Kaisu Viikari.
After examining them carefully, I wrote to her that her book covers
are a lesson in themselves.


Examine them for yourself and note how the faces have vertical frowns and other symptoms of ocular accommodation spasms on the Book Cover of her book, "Ocular Accommodation Strain", and how the face on the cover of "jotta" is shrunken by the heavy minus Diopter eyeglasses. She sees these frowning and unhappy faces as correctable symptoms of pseudo-myopia caused by over prescribing of minus lenses. One gentleman wrote after she helped remove his ocular-caused unhappiness, "You saved my life. I am no longer suicidal!"

You will recall that you were kind enough to give me a prescription to order a pair of .75 positive glasses in order to avoid migraine in later years. Now the glasses have arrived and I am happy to report to you that the result is incredible. As you will see from the following description the change 'Before and After' seems unlikely but I am prepared to testify that it is true.

Cartoon Figures Illustrating Life-Changing Nature of Removing Ocular Accommodation Strain. On the Rear Book Cover of Dr. Kaisu Viikari's earlier edition entitled 'Panacea' were these two cartoon faces drawn at the bottom of a letter from Dr. János Székessy.


Professor Matti Saari has suggested the vertical frown or furrows be named after Dr. Kaisu Viikari because of her extensive research into identifying and relieving severe optical accommodation spasms in thousands of patients. Dr. Viikari has uniquely and incontrovertibly identified the etiology of the vertical frown as a result of long episodes of severe accommodation spasm, which her research indicates can lead to various severe medical conditions. The facial feature may be a simple curved line or a deep furrow but it remains as a visible feature so long as the spasm continues.

Her success with treating these medical conditions, especially migraine headaches, by adjusting eyeglass prescriptions led thousands of patients to treatment in her surgery in Turku, Finland. They came from all over Scandinavia and Northern Europe. The Viikari furrow is one sign of the Viikari Syndrome which comprises a complex of presenting indications.


Any questions about this review, Contact: Bobby Matherne


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