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The Space of Love
The Ringing Cedars Series, Book 3

Vladimir Megré
Translated by John Woodsworth
Published by Ringing Cedars Press/US
A Book Review by Bobby Matherne ©2007


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In the previous book, "The Ringing Cedars" Anastasia kept talking about a "space of love" to refer to her glade prepared for her by her ancestors which she grew up in and lives in yet today. This book picks up that theme and has Vladimir Megré heading back to Anastasia. Unfortunately, the notoriety from the first book had created many visitors who wished to meet Anastasia, and he found that he was just another pilgrim. Many guides offered themselves to take him to her, but none could actually do it. One guide, Alexander, recognized him from the book cover, and tried to talk him out of going into the taiga. Said he wouldn't make it. Hunters would shoot him. Besides that Anastasia had gone away to parts unknown. When Vladimir asked him for an explanation, Alexandria responded with a detailed account of the six uninvited guests with helicopter and guns who came to kidnap Anastasia and take her back to a Nature preserve outside of Moscow.

Boris and his five crewmen were even planning to set their helicopter down in her "Space of Love", her beloved cedar glade, and take her and her newborn son away. After they had reconnoitered the taiga with the helicopter for some time, Anastasia came out near their base while their copter was off filming and scouting.

[page 16] "My name is Anastasia. I have come to you with a request. Please call off your helicopter. It is very harmful for these parts. You are looking for me. Here I am. I shall answer any of your questions I am able to."

Boris explained that they were there to take Anastasia away to the Moscow area where she would be interviewed in a secluded natural setting. She would be given an assistant, a man who says he loves her, who might make her a worthy mate she could love. When she explained that she was already in love with Vladimir, Boris asked her how she happened to fall in love with him.

[page 19] "There is no point in asking me a question like that. Nobody who is in love can explain why they love the person they do. For every woman in love there will be only one man who is the best and most significant person in the world — and that is the one she has chosen. And my beloved is the very best one for me."

She explained to Boris what Vladimir did when he went back to Moscow. How he tried to bring together pure-minded entrepreneurs before writing the book and how those efforts went bad because he had gotten the sequence wrong. She had told him to write the book first. Soon Vladimir was walking around Moscow penniless and nearly dead. Even her best efforts to warm him from a distance during some forty-two hours failed to keep him warm. But he kept fighting back and soon his spirit helped her ray and the rays of others around Moscow who loved him and he came back from the brink of death. Boris asked why she came to his aid and she answered.

[page 24] "I was not the only one who came to his rescue. Ask the three Moscow students why they rented an apartment for him at their own expense? When he finally realized the reason he was failing and set about writing the book, why did they, right in the middle of an exam period and trying to earn more money wherever they could, spend their evenings keyboarding Vladimir's text into their computers? Why? You can ask the same question of many Moscow residents who were at Vladimir's side in his times of need. The solution to the mystery lies in them, not in me. Why did Moscow and her people help him and take care of him, why did they believe in him?
      "The city of Moscow was also writing the book. I am thrilled with that city! I have fallen in love with it! No amount of roaring machines or senseless cataclysms devised by the technocratic world can nullify the embrace of kindness and love from the hearts of its people. Many, many residents of this city are reaching out for kindness and brightness — for love. Through all the bustle and the clamor of roaring machinery they feel its tremendous power and grace."

Boris praised Anastasia for making all this happen, discounting everything the people in Moscow did to assist Vladimir. She set him straight directly.

[page 24] "Love is what makes miracles happen. And I did use my ray to make careful contact with all those in communication with Vladimir. But all I did was to give a bit of strengthening to the feelings of goodness, love and bright aspirations that they already had. I only strengthened what was in them already.
      "And the book was published by Moscow. The first print-run was small and it was a pretty slim volume. But people started buying it. It quickly sold out. Far from distorting the events he had witnessed in the taiga, it honestly described the feelings he had experienced. In the eyes of many readers I came out looking clever and good, while Vladimir appeared stupid and none too bright."

Here we are given a chance to view Vladimir through Anastasia's eyes and how she loves him and values his contribution to her dream. Boris and his crew only saw him as some dumb Muscovite who stumbled upon a treasure in the taiga through pure luck and did not know what to do with it. Boris knew, or thought he knew that Vladimir was wrong for her, but Anastasia immediately spelled things out for Boris.

[page 24, 25] "People in their homes reading the book did not take into account that Vladimir was with me one-on-one in the remote Siberian taiga. Everything back then was still extremely unfamiliar to him. And I do not know who else could go so far into the taiga with no gear at all. Or how such a person would behave upon seeing what Vladimir saw. Vladimir was honest in the way he depicted everything. And yet for many people he began to look stupid. And here you are asking me: Why did I choose him? And why do I love him so?
      "In the process of writing the book, Vladimir was already turning his thinking around on a great many things. He grasps everything very quickly. Anyone who has the opportunity of talking with him cannot fail to notice that. But he never tried to paint a rosy picture of his former self"

She explained that Vladimir's sincerity and choice of words aroused the extraordinary feelings in people which has drawn Boris to her to figure out how she did that through Vladimir. Boris wanted to know what equipment would allow him "to select the sounds that can exerts an effective influence on the human mind" (page 26). Anastasia's answer was simplicity in itself, but not one that a soul-less scientist could comprehend.

[page 26, 27] "The equipment one needs has existed for a long time already. It is called the human soul. The attitude and purity of the soul will accept or reject sounds from the Universe. . . . a book does not make sounds. But it can serve as a score, like a musical score. The reader will involuntarily utter within himself any sounds he reads. Thus the hidden combinations in the text will resonate in the readers soul in their pristine form, with no distortion. They are bearers of Truth and healing. And they will fill the soul with inspiration. No artificial instrument is capable of producing what resonates in the soul."

She told Boris a long story about her foremother who was the last one of her line who knew what a woman should think about during the breast-feeding of an infant and how to do it herself. Her foremother sacrificed her own life in a dolmen so that this knowledge would be kept alive for generations to come. To do so she had to build with the help of women friends her own dolmen as the men would not build it for a woman. Finally Boris asked her why it was so important for nursing mothers to know this information: "After all, mother's milk feeds only the flesh of an infant." (Page 35) Apparently Boris was not aware that mother's milk contains chemicals which adjust the feelings of the baby to match her own, just as the seeds of a plant can pick up the chemical exudations of a human who is planting the seed and adjust the nutrients to the requirements of that human(1). Babies while nursing likewise pick up a huge amount of information. Mother's milk feeds the soul as well as the flesh, something science is only now beginning to perceive as a possibility. Anastasia's books will help enormously in furthering this research and understanding.

Vladimir went to the Caucasus Mountains to find her foremother's dolmen and was severely hurt in a fall and knocked unconscious. Her foremother, in the spirit, found Vladimir and tended to him to help him survive and continue his quest for her dolmen. He finally reached it and took out three roses he had carried to the dolmen. After eons of time, someone had finally recognized the sacrifice of Anastasia's foremother. All these things Anastasia was tuned into and was part of the love she felt for Vladimir.

Boris soon forgot about his hidden agenda and asked Anastasia, "What are the forces of Light?"

[page 42] "These," Anastasia replied, "are all the bright thoughts ever produced by people. All space is filled with them."

My wife and I have a framed calligraphy of the following quote of Baal Shem Tov (1698 - 1760) that graces the entrance to our bedroom, "From every human being there arises a light that reaches straight to heaven and when two souls that are destined to be together find each other, their streams of light flow together and a single brighter light goes forth from their united being." Here we have evidence that this knowledge of light emitting from people out into the Universe has been known for a long time. Soul-less scientists in our time have relegated to the realm of metaphor thoughts like these words of Baal Shem Tov. Anastasia has undertaken the task of bringing this knowledge back into common understanding again. Boris, however, was only interested in energy. He wanted to know if it was like nuclear energy. Her answer to him was simple:

[page 43] "The most powerful energy in the Universe is the energy of Pure Love."

Here is the one energy that power-mongers and materialists will never be able to grab out of people's hands and control for their own nefarious purposes. Why? Because in order to use this energy, they will have to develop their own Pure Love, and when that happens, they will no longer wish to have power and energy to control others! Boris was trying to convince Anastasia that Vladimir was dense, and all the while he was demonstrating that he himself was the dense one.

The inevitable happened: the helicopter returned and landed. Boris tried with his henchmen to kidnap Anastasia. But first Boris made one last plea with her, and she responded with such clarity that further words were obviously unnecessary.

[page 46, Boris] "Anastasia, you realize you represent a valuable resource for science. The decision has already been made to transfer you to the nature preserve near Moscow. This is necessary for your own good, among other things. If for some reason you don't understand the situation and refuse to come voluntarily, we shall be obliged to effect the transfer by force.
      "Naturally you will want to have your child with you in your new place. You show us the location of your glade on the map and the helicopter will go fetch your son. Later we can capture a few of the animals and transport them to your new dwelling-place. I repeat: all this is necessary for your own benefit, for the benefit of your son and other people as well. You do want to bring benefit to people, don't you?"

That was a powerful attempt to sway Anastasia using Boris's own motivations and understanding of the world, but she reproved Boris the same way she did Vladimir's attempts to bring her forward to the world. She was already in front of the world, the entire world, and did not want anyone to have preferential access to her availability to the entire world. Vladimir acted as an agent of furthering her wishes and Boris would hinder them.

[page 46, 47 Anastasia] "Yes," Anastasia replied calmly, and right away added: "Everything I know I am ready to share with all people, if they find it interesting, but only with all people. Science is not something that is available to everybody at once. Its achievements are used first only by localized groups, often for their selfish, personal interests. The vast majority get to know about only what the localized groups are disposed to reveal.
      "Who do you represent? Is it not a particular localized group? I cannot go with you. I need to raise a Man, I need to raise my son. That can only be done properly where a Space of Love has been created. This Space has been created and perfected by my forebears, near and distant. It is still small, but it is what ties me to the whole substance of the Universe. Every Man must create around himself his own Space of Love, and offer it to his child. Bearing children without preparing a Space of Love for them is criminal. Every Man must create around himself a small Space of Love. And if everyone understood this and acted upon it, then the whole Earth would become the brightest focus of Love in the Universe. This is the way He wanted it, and this is Man's purpose. For only Man is capable of creating such a Space."

She listened to Boris and answered him truthfully, he listened to Anastasia and ignored what she said, so intent he was on capturing her as his prize to return to civilization. Civilization with its coercive methods have captured many man-made peaceful inventions from their inventors and relegated these stolen creations to weapons of mass destruction and war. The alternating current technology of Nicola Tesla, the aeroplane of the Wright Brothers, and Einstein’s E=mc2 equation are three prominent examples. Thomas Edison turned Tesla’s AC which he despised into the electric chair to kill human beings, agents of the federal bureaucracy in America stole the aeroplane from the Wrights and used it to bomb civilians in World Wars, and the same bureaucracy built atomic and hydrogen bombs using the creations of Einstein’s mental genius. Boris, the latest agent of coercion, wished to capture Anastasia and harness her knowledge for good, but good and coercion make unhappy bedfellows as history proves ever again. Coercion is always baleful and likewise becomes anything it gets its dirty hands upon. So Boris's men tried to lay their hands on Anastasia.

But she had the ultimate invention of Man, herself! There was no invention if one didn't have Anastasia, and so Boris thought, so he attempted to capture her physically. Unwilling to let go of his illusions about reality and accept the reality of Man which was already within Boris himself, he attempted to capture her physically. As the two men approached, she warned Boris that his actions were not safe for himself and his men. The two men grabbed her, she concentrated her attention on the security captain's face, and suddenly steam appeared coming from the tip of his ear. One of his men fired at Anastasia and the first bullet grazed her temple, but the rest of the bullets in the clip he emptied firing directly at her, disappeared in mid-air, so far as anyone could tell. The guards still would not let go and a bluish glow rose from the ground, concentrated into a ball like a huge ball lightning, and the guards relinquished their grip on Anastasia and reality about the same time. Then all hell literally broke loose for Boris and his men. Brown smoke rose out of the ground and they went through a process of living in hell, and Alexander, who experienced that hell himself, vividly describes what happened to him in Chapter 8 “What Hell Is”.

It was a Hell which only ended after Anastasia spoke to the blue sphere and gave thanks.

[page 57] "Thank you. You are kind. Thank you for your mercy and your love. The people will understand, they will most certainly understand everything, they will understand it in their hearts. Do not ever take you beautiful blue light from the Earth, your light of love."

The blue sphere rose in the sky and disappeared, and everything was back the way it was before. Vladimir asked Alexandria if maybe they had been hypnotized, but he responded that the creek which had been obstructed before their incredible experience in hell was flowing freely afterward. Vladimir asked him, "Then who is she?" (Page 58) Alexander's reply showed a lot of insight into the difference between civilized human beings and Anastasia. Basically he said that we, even though we are Man as she is, that our abilities are blocked by our maps of reality, one might say "dammed up by our maps" or "damned by our maps". This was the dam-blocking reality or the reality-blocking dam that Alfred Korzybski gave his life to blowing apart with his General Semantics. He would have said about reports of Anastasia’s abilities, "the map is not the territory". Or as my Norwegian boss told me once, "In our Boy Scout Handbook in the section on map-reading, it said, 'When the terrain differs from the map, believe the terrain!'"

[page 58, 59 Alexander] "Our thoughts — the thoughts of any Man raised in today's society — are blocked by stereotypes and conventions, in contrast to her thought, which is completely open and free. That's why it's hard for us to explain her mysterious abilities simply by her assertion that she is Man."

There was one more thing Alexander witnessed which he reported to Vladimir, what he called a "grand miracle". In the course of twenty minutes, Anastasia healed a young girl, Aniuta, and completely transformed her life. She had accompanied some old people from a tiny village who came to the clearing to speak to Anastasia. It was where Boris and his men were still standing, a little dazed by the events they had just experienced. At one point Anastasia said something which spoke to the source of all despair in human beings anywhere, rightly understood.

[page 64 Anastasia speaking to Aniuta about her Mama or Mamochka (Mommie)] "She has given in to the very hopelessness she has imagined for herself."

When we allow the restricted maps of reality which are inculcated into us as truth to operate upon our lives, we find at the very last only hopelessness and despair. Those maps are dead structures of thought and have no living reality. When we plumb their depths we find shallow emptiness, which will fill us with the only thing it can: despair, up until now.

Aniuta said, "I love my poor dear Mamochka," breaking into tears.

[page 65 Anastasia to Aniuta] "Then you make your Mamochka happy. You are the only one in all the world who can make her happy. It is very simple. You become healthy and strong, and learn how to sing. You will be a singer. Your marvelous, pure voice will sing together with your heart. Your Mama may meet you in twenty years, and seeing you will make her very happy. Or your Mama may come to see you next summer. By that time you should already be healthy and strong. To welcome her. Get some presents ready for your Mamochka. Show her how strong an beautiful you are, and you will make your Mamochka very happy, and your meeting with her will be a joyful one indeed.

Boris and his crew make ready to leave, but Anastasia went over to the young guard who had fired upon her. He was pale, his hands were shaking, and his gun was lying on the ground.

[page 67 Anastasia to guard] "Do not blame yourself, do not torture your soul. It was not a partner in what you did. You acted out of instinct. You were trained to protect whatever you were ordered to, without thinking about the situation. And your instinct took its course. It is not good for instinct to gain supremacy in Man. When instinct takes first place, then Man takes second place. The result is something less than a Man. Think about it — perhaps it would be better to return to yourself — to the Man that you are."

When our "I am" abandons us(2), we turn pale because our I is so closely aligned with our blood flow. Anastasia's words brought the young man's I back into alignment with his body and the result should be immediately visible in his face, as it was.

[page 67, 68 Alexander] "When the guard heard the calming tones of Anastasia's voice his hands stopped shaking, and the paleness disappeared from his face. And by the time she had finished speaking, his face was flush with a reddish color, right to the tips of his ears."

Boris and his crew took off immediately in the helicopter abandoning all the fuel and tents on the shore. Alexander closed by telling Vladimir that those old people from the remote village were still coming at him whenever he did anything unwarranted. He checked with the rest of the crew and found the situation to be likewise. They were, in effect, being haunted by those villagers any time they wandered off the path into some baleful deed. He said that Anastasia changed their lives and future with her simplicity and sincerity. "Just think," he told Vladimir, "the simplest human words can change destiny." (Page 70)

And that is the message, dear Reader, you can take from the Ringing Cedars books because they are filled with the simple words. Words as simple as flowing water from a mountain stream which can offer refreshment in the form of healing water to all who receive them. It is your choice. Do you receive the water and drink it? Or do you dam up the stream with your maps of reality? If so, will it stop flowing and become a stagnant pool, unfit to drink from? The choice is yours. Learn from Anastasia. You dam up your own streams. You create your own despair. And you have had no choice about the matter, up until now. You are Man.

Later Alexander decided to return to Aniuta's village to give her a new radio to replace the one she had which crackled so badly. He was amazed to find that the village had been all repainted and repaired. Aniuta, he found out, had started this process all on her own, pounding nails into boards with a borrowed hammer. She was repairing the board walk by herself and hardly able to get the nail into the boards. Some neighbors saw this and began helping with the sidewalk, so Aniuta began hauling cans of paint and painting her house in preparation for Mamochka's visit. She fished all day and exchanged the fish for paint. Plus she was adopted by a Siberian dog, a laika, who helps by pulling in the fish that her line catches to the river bank.

The big revelation came when she showed Alexander the gifts for her Mommie.

[page 77 Alexander] "I watched as she joyfully showed me the gifts she had prepared for her mother — she was so happy admiring them — and I realized what had happened: here Aniuta had transformed herself from an utterly helpless, pitiful little girl, waiting for somebody else to help her, into an active, self-confident individual. And happy that she has known such great success . . ."

Vladimir said goodbye to Alexander and set off in the taiga to meet Anastasia. He had along the gifts for her and for his son, some diapers, baby food, toys, and other things which she had earlier told him their son would not be interested in. He became aware that wild dogs were tailing him, formerly tame dogs which had returned to the wild and had become dangerous "man-made mutants." Just as they were ready to attack, Anastasia appeared and fended off their attacks single-handedly, tossing them quickly aside, until four large wolves arrived to scare them off for good. Vladimir showed her the gifts for her and their son, and she enjoyed the shawl for herself, but asked him to place all the other gifts in a cache in a tree until he had first met his son.

He was able to watch his son awake from his sleeping next to his nanny, a large female bear. He crawled to the side of the clearing to defecate and the bear licked his behind clean. No need for diapers for his son. Instead of arguing her case, she simply allowed him to observe that his son had no need for diapers. The bear called her replacement so she could bathe herself and a she-wolf appeared. They had what appeared to be an angry encounter, but Anastasia explained the meaning of their actions:

[page 101] "That is the way they talk with each other. The bear stopped the wolf with her roar to make sure everything was in order with her. To check that she was not sick with anything, that it was not dangerous to let her approach a child of Man, that she was strong enough to defend him. The wolf showed that she was completely prepared. She showed it by her actions, not with words. You saw how she walked past and jumped pretty high."

As a man, I can speak for how the men I have observed are aware of this non-verbal communication. They often approach each other in a way that appears threatening to an observer, and this is often labeled as horseplay by females. But their rowdy behavior is merely a way of observing the health of the other person, exactly as the bear did with the wolf, before allowing her into her presence. Take a common example for parents with children: If we hire a sixteen-year-old girl, we go through small talk when she arrives, the whole meaning of which is revealed in how the sitter responds, not so much in what is contained in the words she says. Before we leave our children with a baby-sitter, even one we have known from long acquaintance, we ascertain by small talk whether she is healthy or sick. We hardly ever notice or discuss this aspect of our communication because it is natural and mostly out of our conscious awareness. Until the moment we say, e.g., "Jeanette, you don't seem well. You go home, we'll call another sitter."

Animals communicate with one another in ingenious ways such as this without need for words. Humans use words and yet also communicate in ways similar to how the bear and the wolf communicated with each other when the bear handed over baby-sitting chores. The fallacy that all communication takes place in words is as deleterious to understanding communication as the idea that all teaching takes place using words. Often words are merely the carrier wave upon which true communication takes place between one human being, i. e., between one Man and another Man.

Discussion, using words, begins when direct knowledge ends. This can be considered as a corollary of the above fallacy and could be stated this way: knowledge can only be communicated with words. This fallacy is based on the premise that words precede knowledge, that knowledge originates out of the words spoken to create the knowledge. Nothing could be further from the truth. We know things directly when we perceive them, do we not? If a person becomes blind and is unable to perceive the words on a sign, she might ask someone to read it to her. Words can replace direct perception. Suppose that our circadian mode of perception has evolved over aeons so that spiritual realities can no longer be perceived directly, wouldn't people want to discuss what those realities might have been? There would be ample examples of stories, fairy tales, myths, etc, in which people perceived fairies, elves, gnomes, angels, archangels, etc. When people talk about these today, it is hard to find two people of the same opinion about the truth of such beings. Did they ever exist? If yes, do they exist today? Right now? Lots of discussion can be generated when direct perception of reality is no longer available.

Anastasia tells us that we should not put our lamp under a bushel basket. When its light is not visible anymore, much discussion will be generated, but little light will be shed upon the subject until we raise the basket. What is this basket which shields us from the light of wisdom? She names it, "the erudition of invented dogmas." Academic gobbledy-gook, in other words.

[page 108] "It is the parents' duty not to hide the creative Light under the erudition of invented dogmas. For ages upon the Earth debates have arisen as to which system might be the wisest. But think about it yourself, Vladimir. Debates arise where Truth is hid from sight. Fruitless debates can go on forevermore as to what might be found behind the closed door. But one has only to open the door and it will be clear to all, and there will be nothing to debate, since everyone will be able to see the Truth for himself."

In this next passage we catch a glimpse of the title of the next book, Co-Creation, Book 4 in the Ringing Cedar Series.

[page In a burst of bright inspiration Man has been co-created by the Creator. And with his birth has been created for him a Paradise on Earth.

Anastasia and Vladimir talked for a long time about freedom and the systems that have been installed to curtail freedom. Some type of coercive system today infests every so-called government on the face of the Earth and it has only one goal: to break people to preserve itself. The stronger the coercion, the more people are broken, the longer the system lasts. The USSR is the system they were talking about in this next passage, but what they said is true of every country no matter what political system in use. Coercion and politics are intimately intertwined in every country in the world, up until now.

[page 113, 114 Anastasia ] ". . . the whole system demanded that everyone have the same aspirations. And thereby perpetrated violence on everyone. It tried to break people to preserve itself. . . . Century after century various systems have come and gone, one after the other, but all with a single goal — to kill you, a 'ruler' and wise creator, and transform you into a soulless slave."

It concerns me that I live in these United States of America which pride themselves as comprising the "freest country on Earth," and yet they likewise turn everyone from grade school upward into soulless slaves by the time they leave school. What is my definition of a soulless slave? Simply this: a person without an "I Am" — someone whose property is taken from them without permission for their own good! Is that not what we do to soulless slaves? If you, dear Reader, live in a country with taxes or with one leader, you live in a country which treats you as a soulless slave. You are treated as if you are unable to decide, on your own, how best to provide for your family, your home, your health, your financial security, and so forth. The federal bureaucracy which treats you this way has one goal: to break you in order to preserve their erudite invented dogmas. One way is to hire NEA public school teachers to indoctrinate you and your children to believe that this is what is best for you! What good is it to bring up your children in a space of love at home and then abandon them to the space of coercion in public school?

The Fox's Secret(3) says, "It is only with the heart (the organ of Love) that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye." Love is the strongest force, and treating people like soulless slaves is not a very loving thing to do to them. They are Man.

[page 115] From a Man who is free from aggression, selfishness, fear and many other dark feelings which came along after, emanates the Light of Love. Even though it is invisible to the eye, it is stronger than the light of the Sun. Its energy is life-giving. The way the Creator arranged thing, only Man is endowed with such a tremendous ability. Only Man! He alone is capable of bringing warmth to all living creatures. That is why all living creatures are drawn to him.

Chapter 15 contains an "eagle-latarian" demonstration which should be avoided by faint-of-heart parents who wouldn't dream of backing the car from the garage to the driveway without buckling up themselves and their kids. Anastasia's son, only a few months old, was grabbed by the talons of a huge eagle and taken for a flight over the taiga. Young, phobia-filled parents of today watching their baby in such a flight might have generated so much fear, the eagle might have dropped their child in shock. Certainly Vladimir experienced and represented for us Readers the shock of most young parents today who won't let their school-children walk alone a short block to school as I did all the way through the ninth grade in Westwego. Don't tell me the world is different today. I can see the phobias in my own offspring's faces. The phobias are so thick in parents today that the children can't walk, but swim in a steamy, phobia-filled soup while being driven one or two blocks to school everyday. A nick on the head of a toddler equals three hours in an emergency room. Phobia-installation in our young parents is a devious way of breaking them on the rack of the federal bureaucracy and it pains me to witness how the parents seem so willing to collude in their own undoing.

[page 119] And the eagle, bearing in its talons the wee child's little body, kept circling and climbing higher and higher into the heavenly blue.
      "What's the point of subjecting the child to an execution like this? Why expose him to such danger?" I yelled at Anastasia, as soon as I recovered from shock.
      "Please do not worry, Vladimir. The eagle's ascent is not nearly as dangerous as the aeroplanes on which you yourself have flown."
      "But what if he drops the boy from way up there?"
      "He would never even think of such a thing! You just relax, do not allow either fear or doubt into your thoughts. The eagle's fligh is making an extremely significant contribution to our son's conscious awareness. Note that the eagle has lifted the child above our Earth."

There are two strategies used by coercive people and organizations, one is fear and the other is doubt. Vladimir shared his concern that there are people that do not believe or understand what Anastasia talks about and some who doubt that she even exists. She told him that there may be some logic in their doubt, and Vladimir asked her what kind of logic that might be.

[page 128 Anastasia] "Doubts make counter-actions less likely, and that is why I exist for those for whom I exist. They and I co-exist together side by side, in each other's hearts. If you think about it a bit longer, it will make sense to you. I exist because of them. They have the power to engender and not to destroy. They will understand you and support you, and will be mentally by your side."

Vladimir did not see the logic. He exhorted her to appear on television and show something of that extraordinary skill of hers. She replied gently.

[page 128] "Believe me, Vladimir, my appearance in the flesh and any miracles performed in public will not pour the light of faith into the faithless. They will only exacerbate the feeling of irritation on the part of those who do not like someone else's perception of the world. And you should not waste your energies on them."

Vladimir insisted that she won't show herself because she can't. She showed him a great vision of the world, an enormous panorama of the people of the world in a single moment. Vladimir was astounded, but finally said, "In real life things are not like that at all." She rebuts that he will soon find out the reality of that himself. He closes Chapter 16 "The System" by saying, "And, to my amazement, it all came about, just as Anastasia promised. It happened! And I saw it!"

One of the things which convinced him was his trip to Gelendzhik where he visited the forest school of Mikhail Petrovich Shchetinin, which is a prototype of a school run by the school children themselves. In addition to the joyful song of children's voices singing, he saw children creating the two-story school building by themselves. But what about the academic side of things, you ask? Read for yourself, and decide if this kind of academic achievement could be possible in public school systems which create soulless slaves who only strive to escape their enslavement as soon as possible.

[page 131] At this school children take but a year to master the whole ten-year public-school maths syllabus, along with studying three foreign languages. They neither recruit nor produce child prodigies. They simply give kids a chance to discover what already lies within.

When true teaching and learning is going on, it is not possible to distinguish between the teacher and the learner because the teaching and learning flows instantaneously in both directions. Thus a Teacher, so Also a Learner is the phrase I use to communicate that insight to others.

[page 144 Shchetinin] "Our collective ancestral memory has knowledge of the laws of the Cosmos, as well as techniques for living in the cosmic space. So it is very important to reject any suggestion that there is something they don't know. If one of those doing the explaining entertains such a thought, his pupils will not know it. The explainer's basic task is to enter into a relationship with his pupils focused on solving problems, then the learning process takes place all by itself. So as not to distract them with attention to the actual learning or memorization. The thought of somebody out there teaching has to be rejected. As they work together, the consciousness of a dividing line between teacher and pupil is obliterated."

"When faced with a mountain, I will not quit. I will keep on striving until I climb over, find a pass through, tunnel underneath, or simply stay and turn the mountain into a gold mine with God's help." This is the famous Possibility Thinker's Creed of Robert H. Schuller, founding pastor of the Crystal Cathedral, whose Hour of Power has been seen on television for over 35 years continuously. A blockage in your path, even one as large as a mountain, can become a signal that you must turn right or left or climb up, start digging, or stay where you are and turn the mountain into an asset.

Shchetinin told Vladimir that the phrase, "That's wrong", is never used around the students at his school, and explained why. Read what he said and learn how the Old Russian language had possibility thinking built into its very structure. There were no ways of expressing doubt or impossibility or failure. There were only words to express the next movement. I'm reminded of a cartoon from the 1960s which impressed me very much: a man in a business suit was walking over stones and reached the middle of the river. There no were more stones, but a sign stuck in the river bottom which said cheerfully, "COMING SOON! Another Stone!"

[page 145, Shchetinin] "It is important to be in an atmosphere of sincerity, with no feelings of being offended or irritated. That's wrong is a phrase we never use. In the Old Russian language there is no stoppage of motion and no bad words. In ancient times people, no matter what their ethnic affiliation, never used a bad word in reference to anything. It simply doesn't exist, so why pay attention to it? What is bad does not exist. If you find yourself at a dead-end, then the words you would use to get out of that dead-end would be phrases like: turn right, turn left, climb up — hinting at which way one should go, but not snapping, 'You're standing in the wrong way.'"

What is the power of an unanswered question? is a basic rule of mine. Have you ever done crossword puzzles? When I do them, every so often I get one with very oblique clues which leave open so many possibilities that it takes me a long time to complete the puzzle. Often it sits there near one of my reading spots and I take a look at it every day. A typical one starts out with only a few words filled in. The next day a few more. The next day a few crosses and maybe one corner is filled in. Each day I leave the puzzle in its place as an unanswered question, often a whole series of unanswered questions. Each day I ponder each unanswered question, and miraculously at times it seems, one or two words will pop out of my mind. Where only yesterday only puzzlement existed, today a puzzle solved takes its place. This is a trivial example of how holding an unanswered question works, but it shows that answers come if you simply hold the question unanswered and never, never, never give up. Think old Russian! Turn right, turn left, or stay and dig!

Why this thought stuck with me was that it replaced an older habit of simply giving up if something seemed too hard to do. Someone gave me a hard question back then, and I would slough it off with some wild guess and simply dismiss the question from my thoughts. I suspect that is how most people react to an unanswered question today. They are stroked only for finding an answer to a question, so they feel very uncomfortable when confronted by a question they don't have an answer to. They dispatch it immediately to remove the discomfort, instead of holding onto the unanswered question until the answer appears to them. Often without effort, an answer will appear to an unanswered question that I've held for years or decades. When that happens, it is a joy! And holding an unanswered question required no more energy than the thought, I'm holding this as an unanswered question. It's a mental equivalent of parking in front of that mountain until you find a way around, over, under, through, or the mountain turns into a gold mine. Every great possibility arises as an answer to someone's unanswered question, rightly understood. How many unanswered questions are you holding in your life right now, dear Reader? This very review that you're reading is an answer to an unanswered question I held for twenty years until the Internet was created. Next time someone tells you, "Hold your questions until later," take the opportunity to create a few unanswered questions for yourself on the spot. They will serve you well.

Vladimir asked Anastasia a huge question, "What if there is some kind of question for which there is no answer in all the Universe?" His goal was to have Anastasia admit the reality of his own impossibility thoughts. He had a big surprise coming to him. He was about to learn the power of an unanswered question.

[page 163 Anastasia] "A question for which there is no answer in all the Universe will immediately speed up the evolution of everything. Like a flashbulb bright and clear as a bell, it will reach into all corners of the Universe and everything will be set in motion as well, there will be a rejoining of opposites, an answer will be born and it will be heard."

If that's so, why do we have so many problems left unsolved? Haven't people asked the right questions?

[page 163 Anastasia] ". . . unfortunately, for centuries people have been asking the same questions over and over again — there are answers to them, but not many people who hear the answers."

In my experience, people can only hear the answers to questions they have asked themselves and held thereafter as unanswered questions. Then when the answer comes, they will recognize the answer and feel sensations of warmth and emotion inside them. The answer will be as welcome as the prodigal son upon arrival back home. His father who created him recognized him immediately and was overjoyed. What has tended to happen instead is that people ask a question but settle for surmises and half-answers to immediately get rid of the uncomfortable question from their thoughts, up until now. This deprives the question of its power to create an answer for the person who asked it. Rightly held, an unanswered question will always provide an answer for the holder of the question from now on.

Chapter 21 asks the question, "Should we all go live in the forest?" Anastasia answer is similar to a short poem I wrote which I call "The Law of Karma":

In a lifetime
      more or less
You must clean up
      your own mess.

Anastasia told Vladimir that people should not be leaving the cities en masse to go live in the forest. This surprised him, so he asked why not? She said basically that if they leave who would clean up the mess they left behind?

[page 165 Vladimir, then Anastasia]
      "I don't know who. But is it so bad when Man has the desire come to him to live in a clean place in Nature?"
      "The desire is a good one, that is not the point. When a person who creates dirt around himself comes to a clean place, he pollutes that place with his very presence. You need to clean up the place you've been polluting first, thereby washing away your sins."

The people who go to live in the forests are good, but the people who stay behind in the cities are also good. After all, Anastasia's beloved dachniks are city dwellers who grow their own food on their individual plots of land outside the city.

[page 166] "People who go live in the forest are no more significant — indeed, they are less significant — than the dachniks who plant gardens on desolate,Anastasia told Vladimir that people should not be leaving the cities en masse to go live in the forest. This surprised him, so he asked why not? She said basically that if they leave who would clean up the mess they left behind? abandoned land with their own hands. They are known and loved by every blade of grass on their plot, which endeavors to give back to them the warmth of the Universe. And the true feelings are to be found in those who themselves have set up this oasis of paradise, giving embodiment to the good in their souls amidst the bustle and gloom of death."

What is Anastasia's goal, you may be thinking. Vladimir asked her where his Space of Love is and what can he give their son. She answered:

[page 190] "The links of the continuum have been violated in many people's lives. But the strand is not broken. The strand that ties humanity as a whole and every creature in particular to the Creator needs only to be comprehended and felt by each, and then to each may be extended both light and might. Vladimir, expand the Space of Love. Right there in the world where you now live, create a Space of Love. For the sake of our son, for all the children of the Earth, make the whole Earth into a Space of Love."

"Who are you, Anastasia?" Chapter 24's title asks. Here is, in part, how she answers. She reveals that the spirits of the dark are in fact cowards and are not to be feared. She demonstrates by her very actions how to cast out evil spirits from oneself. She calls on the clergy of all faiths to merge with her in this action.

[page 197] "Foremothers of mine, Fathers of mine, imbue them with the True Light. Give freely to all who are able to accept the Light.
      "Let evil join fray with itself and with my flesh, not with my soul. I give the whole of my soul to people. In people I shall prevail through my soul. Prepare yourself, all wickedness and evil-mindedness, to leave the Earth behind and fall upon me!
      "I am Man! I am a Man of pris-tine or-i-gins. Anastasia I am. And I am stronger than you."

Vladimir is seized by fear and doubt and begs her to stop. She explains:

[page 197] "Vladimir, be not afraid of them, they are cowards every bit. Besides, you yourself said that I was deceptive. Deceptive? Yes, deceptive indeed. I have outwitted them. They were mocking you, treating me as an invention of your imagination, while all along I was involved with creation. And the strength which my foremothers and my fathers showed, which they had brought with them from their pristine origins, I have now bestowed on many people."

Vladimir at the end is swayed by Anastasia and begins to see the big picture as it is being realized in front of his very eyes. The question he asks, I would like to let him ask you, dear Reader.

[page 199] Dear reader, are not you too holding in your hands right now a part of this despairing recluse's dream, materialized in a book?

Are not you, dear Reader, holding that despairing recluse's dream materialized in a review of a book? Will you not pick up a copy of the Ringing Cedars Series of books and begin reading all the material directly in full for yourself? Have not my reviews of these books so far created unanswered questions in your mind? Are you holding these questions? Good. There is power in the holding for you. The Universe will provide the answers to you in surprising ways which will cause you to dance with joy as Anastasia does when she is filled with the bright Light of an idea.

When Vladimir left the forest school, the director and students stood outside and gave him the warm goodbye as I would call it.

[page 148] Each of them held one hand raised in the air, palm out-turned in the direction of the departing vehicle. I knew what they meant — Shchetinin had explained it to me earlier. It signified: "We send you our rays of good, may they follow you wherever you go." And once more I felt fired up with the thought, "What do I need to accomplish to become worthy of your rays?"

Let us each in our own way hold that great unanswered question of Anastasia, "What do I need to accomplish in my life to become worthy of your rays?" And with that I would like to hold up my hand right now facing you in a warm goodbye as you depart from this review.


All Published Volumes of The Ringing Cedar Series

To Read any book listed, Click on Ringing Cedars Logo below and order yourself a copy. Click Here to Order a copy of any book in the Ringing Cedars Series

Book 1:       Anastasia
Book 2:       The Ringing Cedars of Russia
Book 3:       The Space of Love
Book 4:       Co-creation
Book 5:       Who Are We?
Book 6:       The Book of Kin
Book 7:       The Energy of Life
Book 8.1:    The New Civilization, Part 1
Book 8.2:    Rites of Love, Part 2

---------------------------- Footnotes -----------------------------------------

Footnote 1. I had been doing some study of neuroscience with Prof. Robert Sapolsky of Stanford, and believe that I have found the process by which the gardener, the garden, and the soil are interconnected in an exquisite feedback loop. Plants have lots of transposable genetic events which Barbara McClintock's work predicted ("jumping genes"). There is apparently a complete feedback loop which goes from gardener to seed to plant to produce to gardener which creates health in people who garden and eat their own produce. When you plant the seed or the seedling, it receives chemical information from the moisture in your breath, the perspiration of your hands, among other things, and that information acts as a "stressor" on the plants and leads to the moving of sections of genes around so that they code for new proteins exactly designed to re-balance whatever incipient imbalances in one's body could lead to illness. Plants, in other words, can act as our personal physician if we allow them to by planting and eating food planted, nurtured, and harvested in local gardens.

Return to text directly before Footnote 1.


Footnote 2. Our eternal spirit which lives in each of us is our real self, our Ego, and it is intimately connected with our blood flow, and thus, even though our "I am" is an invisible spirit, its effects show up in the complexion of our face. That is why our faces grows pale so quickly when our "I Am" fails us at moments of stress and shock. An excellent essay on the "I Am" can be found here:

Return to text directly before Footnote 2.


Footnote 3. From the classic book, The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Return to text directly before Footnote 3.


Any questions about this review, Contact: Bobby Matherne


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