Original Yes, and Even More Designed by Bobby Matherne Copyright 1998

Yes, and Even More!

Yes, and Even More Design

"Don't you have a child born on this day?"
Yes, and even more.
"Even more? Two children?"
Yes, and even more.
"Even more?"
Yes, a child of my imagination was born on this day.
"Got a photo of this child?"
Yes, see:
Original Yes, and Even More Designed by Bobby Matherne Copyright 1998

Notes: Written on January 14, 1998 at 6:30. The design came to him while he was in bed just waking up and thinking about adding some Yes, and Even More poemlets to the Good Mountain Press website. But he would need a background design. He remembered the Joy symbol he had created for The Book of Joy back in 1980 and got up and drew the YAEM logo on the Timberlane Executive Dining Room table. Then he wrote this poemlet. His first child, Maureen Grace Matherne, was born on this day in 1962 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and his youngest child, his only son, Robert Hilman Matherne, was born on this same day, exactly five years later in Metairie, Louisiana. The first letter of the logo spells JOY by combining the letters J, O, and Y into one continuous symbol that may be drawn without lifting one's pen from the page. He has, since 1984, incorporated this symbol into his signature as follows: Stylized signature of Bobby Matherne

This material is COPYRIGHTED (C) 1998 21st Century Education, Inc

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