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Doyletics Training Exercise to Learn to Do a Speed Trace


Bobby Matherne
Principal Researcher and Founder
The Doyletics Foundation

Tired of Expensive Drugs and Mind Therapies that Don't Work for You?

Try this No-Cost Simple Memory Technique in the Privacy of Your Home.


This Training Exercise is recommended as the first step for people who are new to the concepts of doyletics. It describes how to learn to do the speed trace using a simple process that will provide confirmation of success.

By the time many people have found doyletics, they have about given up hope on their problem, and I can understand how they might feel that way given their history. If you feel this way, this is the place to begin your learning of how to utilize doyletics. You're not interested so much in the theory as what the trace process can do to help you eradicate certain unwanted anxiety, fear or depressive states, extirpate certain feelings that interfere with your life. Perhaps it's feeling low all the time, in some psychic pain about the course of your life, a mild depression, anxiety over the future, or some nagging feeling that just stays around bugging you all the time. Perhaps it's recurring physical problems such as muscle spasms, aches, bronchitis, allergies, asthma, rashes, etc. Or many other things yet to be discovered. These are likely all doylic in origin, that is, they stem from physical body states stored in doylic memory, and, as such, are easily and quickly removed by a simple speed trace. As we at the Doyletics Foundation like to say: "When in doubt, trace it out!" It is a good motto to follow, and will serve you well.

But how do you begin?

If you've had these problems for a long time, chances are that you've visited and consulted with professionals from several fields and they have offered you relief of various kinds. Most of the therapies, whether medical drug-based or psychotherapeutic, will help some people some of the time. That's an indication that many of these therapies fall into the realm of an art rather than a science. An art can be taught, but not everyone who takes the course becomes an artist. On the other hand, doyletics is a science, not an art, and can be applied by any human being.

Doyletics is a new science, however, so the concepts and processes will take some time to understand and become accustomed to. The most basic processes, like the speed trace, may be a bit confusing at first. That's why this Doyletics Training Exercise exists: to help new users learn to do a simple speed trace and confirm that they were successful.


One big mistake people make is to be so focused on the problem they want to overcome that they never bother to learn the technique. Like wanting to get to the store so fast that they can't take the time to learn to ride the bicycle. Remember how difficult it seemed to ride a bike, before you rode your bike for the first time, and how easy it was afterward. Doyle tracing is like that. The first ride is the hardest. And you can't practice in the middle of a busy street, but in a quiet cul de sac where there's no traffic when you learn to ride.


The easiest way to learn something is to do something simple that gives you immediate feedback that you were successful in accomplishing it. That's why I suggest tracing a food dislike. If you "practice" doing a speed trace on a food dislike and then discover that you are able to eat a food you previously couldn't stand to be around, much less see, smell, or eat, then you know that you have learned to do the speed trace.

Think carefully — what's your favorite food dislike?

Some food that you can't stand to eat, and it's been that way since you were little? (Don't Have a Food Dislike? See Footnote 1.)

Do a trace using that food. Buy some, get some already prepared and take home. In the privacy of your room, smell it, put it in your mouth, maybe eat a small bit of it -- whatever will get your repulsion for the food triggered. Feel the way your face is under tension, your jaw muscles, your throat constricting perhaps - all those reactions comprise one doyle! A real, live doyle. Focus on them, hold them, and proceed with the trace. If at any time before you reach five years old you feel the doyle let up, re-establish the doyle by re-looking at, re-smelling, re-tasting or eating some more of the food. Whatever is the minimum necessary to re-trigger the doyle. Keep the food where you can see it, smell it, and have easy access to it during the trace. When the doyle goes away below five, you're done.


Simply hold the muscle tension and move down the time marks, saying them exactly as I've written them out for and proceeding immediately to the next one without pause. Say them aloud for this practice session. Pause briefly after each question when you go below five to check for the doyle still being present if you're not sure. You'll know immediately when it goes. Then ask yourself, "What is a plausible thing that could have happen to me when I was that age to create that doyle?" Then write down the first thought that comes into your head. That'll be your clue as to what happened. You can check with your relatives about it later -- may find out some interesting info. But the doyle will be gone. [The following set of time marks are for a 37-year-old. For an older person add increments of ten year time marks up to your current age. For a younger person, remove any older time marks that do not apply. The time mark sequence should go down in age, backwards in time, but the exact choice of time marks is not crucial. Select ones for yourself, just make sure you have at least ten time marks before you reach the Day +1 (the day after you were born).

I'm 37 and experiencing this doyle.

I'm 28 and experiencing this doyle.

I'm 18 and experiencing this doyle.

I'm 12 and experiencing this doyle.

I'm 10 and experiencing this doyle.

I'm 8 and experiencing this doyle.

I'm 5 and experiencing this doyle.

Now switch to saying:

I'm 4, am I experiencing this doyle? (if at any time mark, the doyle goes completely away, stop)

I'm 3, am I experiencing this doyle?

I'm 2, am I experiencing this doyle?

I'm 1, am I experiencing this doyle?

I'm 9 months old, am I experiencing this doyle?

I'm 6 months old, am I experiencing this doyle?

I'm 3 months old, am I experiencing this doyle?

I'm 1 months old, am I experiencing this doyle?

I'm plus 1 day old, am I experiencing this doyle?

[day of birth should be skipped over completely to avoid re-experiencing trauma of birth]

I'm minus 1 day old (prior to day of birth), the day before I was born - am I experiencing this doyle?

For food dislikes, you may not have to go any further below birth as you did no smelling or tasting before then. [ Note: If the doyle is still present, however, go back to -1 month, -2, -3, down to -7 months or 7 months before you were born. It's always possible that some doyle from before birth got attached to a food's sensory data after you were born.]

Now you're done. Look at the disliked food first. Notice how you feel strangely different about it. Pick it up and bring it under your nose and smell it. Note your reaction. Place it in your mouth and taste a small amount. Note your reaction. Eat and swallow that small bite, savoring the flavor -- it may be the first time you really got to taste the flavor of this previously reviled food.

Note the reactions during eating and swallowing. Any doyles come up? Did you have difficulty swallowing it? Some constriction in your throat while swallowing. Note it -- you may want to do a separate trace on that constriction later.

If you were able to complete the food dislike trace and eat a small of amount of food that you NEVER willingly ate before, to your knowledge, then you have confirmed that you have completed your doyletics training successfully. Congratulate yourself!

Note: you may not immediately "like" the food you can now eat for the first time. It will take repeated eatings of the food before you will learn to like it. That's how we come to like the things we eat: only after repeated eatings.

Once you have completed this training protocol, eat the rest of the food, noticing your swallowing process. If you feel any restrictions while swallowing, do an immediate speed trace on the constrictions. Once you can eat the food comfortably, you're finished your first successful speed trace.

Allow yourself a day or two to relax before you attempt the "biggie" - the problem that you went through the trouble to learn the speed trace to eliminate. You've had this problem since before you were five, you can wait another day to eliminate it for good.

The best thing for you to do is to wait until the problem comes up naturally and do the trace on the spot. Few problems come up that you can't trace on the spot with a little ingenuity. If people are around, you can say, "Wait, I'm thinking." Then say the speed trace silently and go down the time marks. Or better, just walk away from the group or person, doing the trace while you do so. Whatever way makes sense for you in the given situation is the best way to proceed.

If it's acrophobia, walk only as near to edge of the porch or window to trigger the beginnings of the feeling, and do the trace while the doyle is active in you. Then test.

If it's flight phobia, do it while seated in your airplane seat and the plane is bumping up and down. It won't stop the plane from bumping, but you will find yourself more relaxed during any up and down movement from then on.

For other examples of how to apply the speed trace in your life see the webpage on the speed trace. For a complete Introduction to doyletics with more detailed instructions on doing the speed trace, Click Here!

Training Exercise Follow up

If you have attempted the Training Exercise with the food dislike and think you were unsuccessful and would like to request some help, send me an email that begins by answering the following questions:

1. What food did you use during your trace?

2. What doyles, facial muscle tensions, jaw tensions, swallowing problems, came up for the food?

3. Did you say the time marks aloud as you went down them?

4. Did all the muscle tensions remain all the way to Day -1 time mark?

5. Did you eat the food after the training trace?

7. Did you swallow it? More than once? Eat it all?

6. Was anything in your response to the food different than before?

7. Were your facial muscle tensions gone? Or did they lessen a bit?

Many people have asked me this question after attempting unsuccessfully to do a speed trace, "How does my mind go to a particular age and how does it tell lengths of time?" If you're thinking about that question, the following is intended for you:

That question, if I may relate it to the process of learning to ride a bicycle, would be like asking:

How is it possible to ride a bicycle?

Why doesn't it fall down?

Can you explain how it's possible to ride a bicycle in detail to me?

And yet, you didn't get answers to these questions before you first rode a bicycle, did you?

Did you get a complete explanation of the physical processes of inertia and gyroscopic action, both of which are absolutely essential to the ability to ride a bicycle, before you rode one for the first time?

Probably not. Because understanding is the booby prize. You don't need understanding to ride a bicycle. In fact, trying to understand the processes of inertia [Isaac Newton's first law] and gyroscopic action while trying to ride a bicycle will keep you from doing it!

You probably don't believe that doing a doyle trace can be so simple, but did you follow the above instructions in the exercise before you came back for these explanation? If not, go back and do the exercise with the food dislike. If you say you have no food dislikes, then find something that you think would be horrible to eat (a live goldfish, grub worm, or snail, perhaps) and imagine eating it to trigger the facial tension, etc.

If you've done your exercise successfully and still want an explanation, here it is: it doesn't matter a hoot how your mind goes to a particular age and how it tells lengths of time, it just does it! It does it without your knowing, just like it gave you your problem without your knowing how it did it. Rightly understood, understanding is the booby prize. I know that you have had various professionals and other well-meaning people attempt to convince you, along with the various degrees of success of their treatment of you, that you must understand what happens to cause your problem in order to be successful at overcoming it, but consider this:


Thus, I suggest you follow the Doyletics Training Exercise above exactly and if you still have difficulties of any kind, begin your request for help by answering all questions above.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ footnote ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(1) Help for those who can't think of a food dislike. You don't need a food dislike to do the speed trace. It's simply an easily confirmable doyle to erase.

Try this: Look at yourself in the mirror (do this before reading the next step).

Keep looking at your face in mirror as you read the next few steps.

Think of eating raw calf brains. Or fried calf brains (imagine them under your nose and smell them, then eat them).

If calf brains don't cause a change in your face, try this same thing with other marginal foods or otherwise disgusting things you wouldn't like to eat, raw oysters, snails, grasshoppers, caterpillars, worms, etc.

If no foods work for you, try one of the things you'd like to trace. Imagine that thing happening to you, and if you notice a reaction, trace it.

Notice every twinge, grimace, mouth, jaw movement, eyebrows, etc. Feel those changes inside your head, chest, etc.

HOLD those muscles exactly like you felt/saw them when you first thought of the food or the unwanted doyle.

Now forget everything but HOLDing the muscles and go down your time marks

Start at X= (current age) and say,
"I'm X years old, and I'm experiencing this doyle."
repeat immediately for X=X-10 [if you're over 50, X=X-5, if you under 50]

For 38, e.g., you'd go 38, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5,
make sure your last step is 5, and then change to saying this:

"I'm 4 years old, am I experiencing this doyle?"
[feel your face/look in mirror if it helps -- if muscles relax, you're done, else go on down]

3, 2, 1, 9 months, 6 months, 3 mons, 2 mons, 1mon, 1 day old
-1 day ("day before I was born") -1 mon, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6

Most of the time the doyle will disappear between two consecutive time marks, sometimes it will gradually fade away over a couple of time marks. Find out for youself what will happen --- each doyle may be different.

Once you have a confirmed trace, be ready to trace any heavy, unwanted stuff as soon as it comes up.

Anything that shatters your equanimity is a candidate. While you are upset, do the trace. It takes will power to do it live, but it will work and amaze you with the results.

If you wish for further help, please email me: Click Here! I'll stay with you till you make this work for you.

In your email answer the following questions so I can help you best:

Approx Age,
Marital Status,
Children, ages,
and Current challenges in your life
To Return to Text before Footnote, Click Here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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All the tools you need for a simple Speed Trace IN ONE PLACE.

Do you feel like you're swimming against a strong current in your life? Are you fearful? Are you seeing red? Very angry? Anxious? Feel down or upset by everyday occurrences? Plagued by chronic discomforts like migraine headaches? Have seasickness on cruises? Have butterflies when you get up to speak? Learn to use this simple 21st Century memory technique. Remove these unwanted physical body states, and even more, without surgery, drugs, or psychotherapy, and best of all: without charge to you.


Counselor? Visit the Counselor's Corner for Suggestions on Incorporating Doyletics in Your Work.

All material on this webpage Copyright 2019 by Bobby Matherne