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The Book of Kin
The Ringing Cedars Series, Book 6

Vladimir Megré

Translated by John Woodsworth
Published by Ringing Cedars Press/US
A Book Review by Bobby Matherne ©2007


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This is a book which shows us how to write our book of the same title, a "Book of Kin" for our own children and grandchildren. But before the author gets to that ultimate point of this book, he leads us through his own wanderings through figuring out how to raise his own son, the offspring of himself and Anastasia. Through all six of these books, Vladimir has been the everyman, the universal representative of each of us. His attitude of skepticism, doubt, and incredulity about the things which Anastasia has shown him and told him created much uncertainty in him as to how he should proceed in raising a child, something most parents do without giving it much thought. That insecurity led Vladimir at the onset of this book to seek an expert's advice inside a medical office.

[page 1] There was a large sign on the office door of the private clinic giving the M.D.'s full name, along with a title indicating an advance academic degree, and identifying him as a specialist in child psychology. He had been recommended to me as one of the best scientific minds on the subject of parent-child relationships. I had put my name down for his last appointment of the day, as I didn't want to limit the length of our consultation — if it proved useful, I was prepared to pay him extra to continue as I was in such desperate need of advice. I opened the door and walked in.

Vladimir explains as best he can about Anastasia, who she is and where she lives, without being too specific and without ever mentioning her name. Suddenly the psychologist rises up from his chair and suggests that there is someone wiser than himself in the matters that Vladimir is seeking help with.

[page 6] Alexander Sergeevich rose sharply from behind his desk and blurted out:
      "She lives in the Siberia. She lives the life of a recluse. Her name is Anastasia, your son's name is Volodnya, and your are Vladimir Nikolaevich Megré. I recognize you. I've read your books — more than once, in fact."
      "Yes . . ."
      Alexander Sergeevich started pacing the room excitedly. Then he began talking again:
      "Well, well, well! I was right, eh? I guessed it! So, would you please answer for me one thing. I need an answer! It's very important to me. To science . . . But no, don't answer. I'll say it myself. I'm beginning to understand. . . . since you first met Anastasia you've been . . . constantly thinking about child-raising. Am I right?"
      . . . "So . . . Amazing! I'm going to mention the name of someone who is immeasurably stronger and wiser than me in all this."
      "Who is that person and how can I arrange an appointment?"
      "That person is none other than your Anastasia, Vladimir Nikolaevich!"

This is enough to take almost anyone's breath away, but for Vladimir, it only led him to rebel at the very thought, and he responds, "... she's the one who wouldn't let me communicate with my son." The psychologist, Alexander, sees the wisdom of Anastasia's motives: that she has, among other things, led his patient, this cowboy-like entrepreneur of perestroika Vladimir, to study psychology, philosophy and child-raising. Alexander continues:

[page 8] "She's been raising your son all these years by herself, but at the same time she's also been educating you! She's been preparing you for this meeting of father and son!"

But Alexander has more surprises for Vladimir as he shows him a thick grey notebook:

[page 8, 9] "I took all Anastasia's sayings in your books about the birth and raising of children and wrote them out in order, leaving out the details of the plot. Maybe, though, it wasn't right to take these quotation out of context. After all, there's no doubt the plot makes them a lot easier to comprehend.
      "These sayings of Anastasia's are fraught with great meaning — a great philosophical meaning, I would say, and wisdom from an ancient culture. I'm inclined to suppose — and I'm not alone here — that these principles are set forth in some kind of ancient book, maybe millions of years old. What Anastasia says has the kind of depth to it and accuracy of expression that one associates with what I think are the most important thoughts set forth in ancient manuscripts, as well as modern scholarly texts. . . . it will give rise to a new race on the Earth known as Man!"

Alexander next asks Vladimir when child-raising begins. Vladimir says, "Some writers think it should begin when the child's a year old." (Page 10) Writers who claim that to be the case do not understand how doylic memories(1) are formed in a fetus going back 7 to 8 months before the child leaves its mother's womb at birth. All events which happen to the mother are stored in the developing fetus's root brain in the limbic system which can be recapitulated for the rest of the person's life as physical body states. If the mother experiences fear states, the child and later the adult will experience those same fear states. The hormones which course through a mother's blood stream and alter her physiological condition will also course through the fetus's blood stream and change its condition — but even worse, that physiological condition will be recapitulated indefinitely in the child as it matures throughout its lifetime. These various physiological conditions are none other than what are commonly called feelings, emotions, fears, moods, and psychological problems, among many other things. Unless the unwanted doylic memories are removed either unconsciously (as most childhood food dislikes are by age 40) or consciously via a speed trace (or some psychotherapeutic process), troublesome doylic memories can last for one's entire lifetime. All the evidence from the research into doyletics shows that child-raising, whether one knows it or not, begins shortly after conception.

[page 10, Alexander speaking] ". . . Anastasia showed how Man is formed even before [a year old]. . . I know you're thinking 'in the mother's womb'. But she showed that parents can form their future offspring even before the sperm and the egg get together. And this is explainable scientifically. Anastasia stands head and shoulders above all other psychologists who exist or have ever existed on the Earth. Her sayings are potent, they cover all stages of the development and the raising of the child — the pre-conceptual, the conceptual, the fetal stage and so forth."

Once more Vladimir plays the dummy and says, "I never wrote about developmental stages." and Alexander has to remind him that the books he wrote documented each of the developmental stages of raising a child. How Anastasia discussed a future child with him in his visit to the taiga, the act of conception (how it proceeded and what developed between the two of them later), how their son was born, and how he grew up into a small boy. All carefully orchestrated by Anastasia and documented by Vladimir, without his being aware that he was recording the developmental stages of child-raising. As Alexander told him, "She created your book with her very life, using it to bring invaluable knowledge to people." (Page 10)

Alexander tells Vladimir that the conceptual stage itself, as described by Anastasia, is "a fundamentally different way of giving birth to Man."

[page 14] "This is not an abstract statement — it is easily provable by means of scientific comparisons. Judge for yourself: no psychologist or physiologist today would deny the influence of external mental factors on the formation of the fetus in the mother's womb. Among other factors a major one (and frequently the dominant one) is the man's attitude toward the mother-to-be. Similarly, we cannot deny that a man's thoughts about a woman at the moment of their sexual intimacy has an unmistakable influence on the formation of the future individual. In one instance he is thinking of her as an object of sexual gratification. In the other he looks upon her as co-creator. The result will naturally be different. It is possible that the child born under such circumstances will be just as strikingly different intellectually from contemporary Man as contemporary Man is different from the ape."

Are marriages made in Heaven? What does that mean if not that true marriages have a spiritual component which transcends any marriage licenses or church rituals.

[page 16, Alexander] "Anastasia is quite right when she says that a marriage made in heaven can only be affirmed by the couple's extraordinary splendid mental state, which leads to the birth of new and fully fledged Man."

Alexander reminds Vladimir of what he wrote and what Anastasia said in Book 1 about how "the dark forces are constantly trying to make Man give into base fleshly passions, to stop him from experiencing God-given grace." (From page 63 of Book 1)

[page 17] They try all sorts of tricks to persuade people that satisfaction is something you can easily obtain, thinking only of carnal desire. And at the same time they separate Man from truth. The poor deceived women who are ignorant of this spend their lives accepting nothing but suffering and searching for the grace they have lost. But they are searching for it in the wrong places. No woman can restrain a man from fornication if she allows herself to submit to him merely to satisfy his carnal needs.

Alexander shows a healthy respect for couples who avoid engaging in sex for its own sake. He agrees with Anastasia's view of "a new culture in male-female relationships." Given this real-life example of this is a friend of mine, whose teenage daughter had sex with her boy-friend, got pregnant, had a miscarriage, got engaged, got pregnant again, had a baby, broke up, got pregnant to another boy-friend, had a baby, bought a house, and then got married, I have to agree that the official recognition of marriage is over-rated in this nascent twenty-first century. It seems likely to remain antiquated for a century or so before it completely disappears as no longer useful. The attitude of the psychologist Alexander below seems appropriate to me from now on(2).

[page 19] "Does that mean, Alexander Sergeevich, that you are recommending young people engage in intimate relations before a marriage is officially recognized?"
       "Most people today are doing just that. Only we're ashamed to talk about it openly. But what I am proposing is to refrain from engaging in sex just for the sake of sex, either before or after the marriage is registered."

In addition, Alexander gives Vladimir and us details about how his colleague's wife fell in love with him after he'd given her Anastasia's sayings to read. And, later, at forty years old, she became pregnant. How did this start? Very much like it did with Anastasia and Vladimir.

[page 20, 21, Alexander] "And then one night my colleague began caressing his wife — only not thinking about sex, but about their future son. He probably managed to do the same thing you did. The only difference is that you were led to that point by Anastasia, while he achieved it on his own(3). . . . Neither my colleague nor his wife could remember any of the details of their intimacy. Just like you, they don't remember anything. But, as you did, they talk about the unforgettable, marvelous sensations they experienced the next morning. My colleague tells me that he has never felt anything like it in all his life, from intimacy either with his wife or with any other women — and believe me, there were quite a few of those."

Next Alexander reveals that his colleague has given up drinking and stopped smoking. He and his wife have taken up a new activity together painting, specifically "painting their future family domain, the kind Anastasia talks about." They want to acquire a piece of land and "lay the foundation for a future corner of Paradise for their children-to-be." (Page 22)

[page 22, Alexander] "A true man can be born only when the energies and feelings inherent in Man alone are involved — i.e., love, a vision of the future, an awareness of what is being created. In fact, the word sex isn't really applicable at all. It only trivializes the event taking place. The term co-creation is much more accurate here.

Alexander gives three statements of the requirements for the birth of a "fully fledged Man" which he calls incontrovertible. You need only compare what you know about the circumstances of your own birth to discover whether your own birth fulfills one, two, or all three of these conditions.

[page 29 ] "First, think about this: who will deny that a situation where thought rather than debauchery precedes the birth of a child — the meeting of the sperm and the egg — is more moral and more psychologically fulfilling?
      "Second: it is absolutely indisputable that a pregnant woman should receive a wholesome variety of nourishment and avoid stress. One's own family domain, as Anastasia describes it, is ideal for this.
      "Third: giving birth in familiar surroundings, in a setting one is accustomed to, will create a much more favorable condition for the birthing mother and, more importantly, for the newborn. This is also an irrefutable fact in both psychology and physiology."

The next chapter finds Vladimir visiting Anastasia's glade, hopefully to see his growing son. Finding no one around, he makes himself comfortable by changing into fresh clothes from his backpack and sits down on a small raised area of ground and begins making notes about his upcoming meeting with his five-year-old son. After a while, he notices that it has suddenly gotten very quiet, usually a sign that Anastasia was nearby. Vladimir turns around, and to his surprise finds his son standing across from him. He is speechless, and his son speaks first:

[page 38] "Greetings to your bright thoughts, my dear Papa!"
      "Eh? . . . And greetings, of course, to you as well," I responded.
      "Forgive me, Papa."
      "Forgive you for what?"
      "For interrupting your important reflections. I have been standing at a distance, so as not to interfere, but I wanted to come and be close to you. Please, Papa, let me sit beside you quietly until you have completed your reflections."
      "Eh? Okay. Sure, have a seat."

If this is not the most amazing way of greeting one's father for a five-year-old, I can not imagine one more amazing. Vladimir responds as a typical father might. He thinks to himself, "I must adopt a deep thought pose while I finish my 'reflections', as he put it. I need to think of what to do next." What he does next is what any of us might have done. He waits awhile and then asks his son, "Well, how are things going with you?" This is a rather useless phrase, more of a perfunctory saying to get the ball rolling for a conversation than a request for information. His son says simply, "Life is going on." So Vladimir stumbles on with, "You minding your Mama?" and gets a more detailed response:

[page 39] "I am always happy to mind my Mama when she speaks. And when my Grandfathers speak, it is interesting to listen to them too. I talk to them as well, and they listen to me. But Mama Anastasia thinks that I talk too much — I ought to think more, says Mama Anastasia. But my thoughts come very quickly and I want to talk differently. . . . Like my Grandfathers, I want to arrange my words one after another, like Mama does, like you do, Papa."

Vladimir becomes rather excited by his son's response and wants to know what he plans to be. I recall asking my son what he wanted to be when he was that age. One day he told me he wanted to be a boxer. A week or so later he told me he wanted to be a librarian. I figured out quickly that any boy who could change his mind that drastically in so short a time could do anything he wanted and probably would, so I stopped asking that question. Let’s listen in on what Volodnya tells his Papa in answer to the question, “What do you plan to be?”

[page 40] "But I already am, Papa."
      "I know that you are, but I meant: what do you want to become? When you grow up, what are you going to do?"
      "I shall be you, Papa, when I grow up. I shall carry on what you do now. . . . you are such a hero, my dear Papa!"
      "A hero?"
      "Yes. It is hard for you. Mama wants life to be easier for you. She wants you to be able to rest in normal conditions for Man, but you go to a place where many people find it very hard to live. That is why you go away, to do good to people there. I was very sad to learn that they are always being frightened and made to live in a way they themselves do not want. They cannot pick their own food. They have to . . . well, work, I think it is called. They have to do not what they want themselves but what somebody tells them to do. And for this they are given paper — money — and they then exchange this money for food. They have simply forgotten a bit how it is possible to live otherwise and enjoy life. And you, Papa, you go to that place where it is hard for people to live, to bring good to the people there."

What happens next demonstrates a process I call retrodiction. Retro-diction is the hypothesis that some event happened in the past, as opposed to pre-diction which is the hypothesis that some event will happen in the future. Both retrodiction and prediction are illusions that are not confirmable, the more so, the farther away from the present they lie. In both processes we take the world as it exists today and extrapolate from it, either backwards or forward. For example, if we are working hard today just to make ends meet, the ancient people must have had a much harder time of just getting food. Given that kind of retrodiction, one could expect what follows in this passage that Volodnya reads at his Papa's request from a history book that Vladimir had brought to teach his son.

[page 42] The earliest people lived in hot climates, where there were no frosts or cold winters. People did not live by themselves, but in groups, which scholars call human flocks. Everybody in the flock, from the littlest to the greatest, collected food. They would spend whole days searching for edible roots, wild-growing fruit and berries, and birds' eggs.

Seems harmless enough, not unlike many things you and I have read in our early school years from a textbook. But Volodnya had trouble understanding it. He sensed that it was a lie. He compares the concept he gets from the words of his Papa's book to the concepts he gets when his Mama talks to him, and the book communicates only some distorted concept. He explains this to Vladimir who responds, "What do you need this 'concept' for? Why waste time on a concept?"

[page 43] "The concepts come all by themselves, when there is truth being told(4) . . . but here, it is not happening — that means . . . One moment . . . I shall try to check. Perhaps the people written about in this book had no eyes, if they had to search all day long for food?"

Volodnya began to explain his concept of the ancient people, how they lived in a land of plenty where food was all around them, just as it was for him today in the taiga glade. He tells Vladimir about the book his Mama reads to him and from which he can read. Vladimir asks to see the book, and his son says he can't bring the whole book to him, but he can read some from it, though not as fast as his Mama. He reads from page 41 of Book 4, Co-creation where God the Father is talking to Adam, his Son.

[page 54] Volodnya rose to his feet, and pointing his finger out into space, began 'reading' sentences from the chapters of Co-creation:
      The Universe itself is a thought, a thought from which was born a dream, which is partially visible as matter. . . . My son, you are infinite, you are eternal, within you are your dreams of creation.

Next, Volodnya tells his Papa of seeing his Mama lying on the ground with her face all white and the grass in a circle surrounding her was all white, too. When he went over and tried to pull his mother out of the circle, he couldn't. He touched her with his arm and it went numb. So he called over the large bear who took care of him and asked her to pull Anastasia out of the white circle. As soon as the bear touched her, the bear fell over dead. The boy then takes his Papa to see the remnants of the white circles where his Mama had previous lain. Vladimir realizes that Anastasia had been busy absorbing the negative, hateful human energy, calling it to her, and daring it to try to defeat her. He recalls the words she said in Book 3, The Space of Love, on pages 196, 197:

[page 73] "All anger on Earth, leave your deeds and make haste to me, join fray with me, try your utmost. . . . I stand alone before you. Try to defeat me. To defeat me, all of you come meet me together. The fight will be fightless. . ."(5)

Vladimir gets mad at the thought of Anastasia fighting this battle all on her own and yells out, "Hey you, malice-mongers, come'n try to get me, and I'll burn at least a few of you!" Volodnya mimics his father's action with, "Hey, come'n try to get me too, you malice-mongers. You see, my arm is getting better. Mama Anastasia is not alone. . ." as he stood up on his toes and attempted to raise his arm high as possible.

[page 74] "So, my fine warriors, my dashing young braves! Who are you about to make war on today, my gallant knights?" came Anastasia's quiet voice.
      I turned around and caught sight of Anastasia, sitting under a cedar tree. She was evidently very tired — her head was even resting against the tree-trunk. And her shoulders and arms were sinking, and her hands were resting on the ground. Her face was pale, and her eyelids slightly lowered.

Just like Vladimir had suspected, the reason she didn't greet him was that she had been lying on the ground absorbing the hate and malice in the world and taking it through herself into the Earth. She moans at one point as she attempts, but is unable, to get up from the ground, "Oh, how could I have failed so badly? I am unable even to rise to greet my son and my love?!" She tries once more and the cedar trees help her.

[page 75] Once more, leaning against the cedar trunk, she began the challenging task of raising herself off the ground. She probably would not have made it this time either. But all at once something incredible happened. The huge cedar tree Anastasia was leaning against suddenly began to extend the needles of its lower branches out toward her. The needles began emitting a barely noticeable pale-bluish glow. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, the glow enveloped Anastasia. Then I heard a crackling sound coming from above, not unlike the kind one hears when standing under high-voltage transmission lines.

As Vladimir looks up, all the needles of the cedar trees in the area are glowing and pointing their needles towards Anastasia's tree. After about two minutes there is a pale blue flash and the needles look withered. Anastasia seems her normal self again and looking up, she says "Thank you!". Then she dances over and among the white circles on the ground which had earlier enervated her completely.

[page 76] Anastasia sprang into action, making a dash over to the largest of the white circles. Upon reaching its edge, she made another leap in the air, this time quite high. A triple somersault landed her in the very center of the circle. Another leap, and this time did a leg-split just like a ballerina. With a trill of her alluring laughter, she twirled in a dance over the white circles.

Vladimir and his son joins her in this exuberant dance of joy, and soon they both follow her in a dive into the lake. When they come out of the lake, Volodnya tells his Mama he decided to give his elder grandfather permission to bury the body. Later Volodnya walks into the woods with Grandfather Moisey, his great-great-grandfather, and Vladimir realizes that the elder grandfather was going away to die. Anastasia gives her views on death here:

[page 83] "When you go to sleep overwhelmed by heavy, dark and unpleasant thoughts, you will most probably have a nightmare. If you go to sleep with bright thoughts, you will have pleasant dream," says Anastasia. And again: ". . . Death is not a tragedy, it is only a dream — shorter or longer, it makes no difference. Man should enter into any dream contemplating what is beautiful — then his soul will not suffer. Through his thoughts Man can create a Paradise — or anything else — for his soul."

Finally Anastasia reveals the meaning of her son’s curious statement about giving Great-grandfather permission to bury the body.

[page 85] "Our son, Vladimir, had begged Great-Grandfather to keep on living when he could not go on living any longer. And Great-Grandfather did live — he could not refuse the child's request."

The rest of the book is mostly filled with a history of mankind, especially of the Vedruss people. This history is initiated by Vladimir's asking Anastasia about her ancestors. She answers him, but with a warning.

[page 91] ". . . what ethnic background are you Anastasia? What religion are you and your relatives? Or maybe you don't have any ethnic background?"
      "I have," replied Anastasia, rising to her feet. "But if I tell you now, the dark forces will rise up and scream in fright. Then they will try to come down with all their might — not just on me, but to crush you too. You will be able to withstand it once you have got beyond noticing their attempts and give your through over completely to the marvelous reality. But as long as you consider yourself defenseless in the face of their anger, you should withdraw your question and forget about it until the right time."

Vladimir tells her that he’s not afraid. His son comes over, takes his Mama’s hand, and pressing it against his cheek, looks up and says:

[page 92] "Mamochka Anastasia, go ahead and answer Papa's question. I can take care of myself. History need not continue to be hidden from people on my account."

Anastasia agrees, turns to Vladimir as if introducing herself and says, "I am a Ved-russ, Vladimir." She explains that until recently the Vedic people lived on lands from the Mediterranean and Black Sea to the farthest northern regions, and that there was a period known as the Vedic Age. Humankind learned to create energy images through collective thought. Then it entered the Image Age. Mistakes were made. (Page 94)

[page 95] " A mistake was made if there remained in the Earth's human society people with insufficient purity of thought, with an insufficient culture of feelings and thoughts. . . . [This] led mankind into occultism.
      "The Occult Age(6) of human life has lasted for one thousand years now. It began with an intensive degradation of human consciousness. Ultimately, a degradation of consciousness and an insufficient purity of thought, coupled with knowledge and opportunity at the highest level, would always lead mankind to a global disaster." . . .
      "Now we are in mankind's Occult Age. And, as always, a disaster of global proportions was supposed to take place. It was supposed to, but the deadline has passed. We have passed the end of the Occult Millennium. Now it is up to everyone to take stock of their purpose, their essence and where the mistake was made. We should help each other in mentally retracing the course of our history in the opposite direction and pinpoint the mistake. Then an era of joyous life on the Earth will be ushered in — an era such as no one has ever witnessed before in global history. The Universe is anticipating it with bated breath and great hope."

Dark forces were controlling people's minds, but the Vedruss had developed a plan for dealing with them that escaped their notice. The Vedruss withdrew a part of their consciousness and feeling, basically staying under the radar and out of sight of the dark forces.

[page 96] "Man's life on the Earth seemed to carry on as before: children were born, houses were built, the decrees of the attackers were obeyed. It seemed as though the Vedruss had submitted to the dark forces, but therein lay a great secret: by falling asleep, the Vedruss, unconquered, remained alive on all planes of being. And this happy civilization is dormant right to this day, and will continue to sleep until those who are awake search out the mistake in the image creation. That same mistake that led the Earth's civilization to its present-day situation."

Like Sleeping Beauty in the fairy tale went to sleep for a long period of time under the occult or dark forces of a witch, the Vedruss people willingly fell asleep for fifteen hundred years in order to avoid the dark forces and awaken later to the dawn of a new reality. (Page 97) This explains why so little is known of the Vedic people outside of their descendants like Anastasia and even Vladimir.

[page 97] "In covering up the history of the Russian people, which can serve as a stepping-stone into the world of the beautiful, [the forces of darkness] are actually trying to cover up the joyously living civilization of the Earth — cover up the culture, knowledge and feeling of knowing God which are inherent in that glad civilization your forebears were a part of."

Chapters Five through Eight are devoted to "The history of mankind, as told by Anastasia". It is full of marvelous stories of the way the ancient Vedic people lived in their time and foreshadows the type of world that she sees can be ours today.

[page 102, 103] There were no diseases of the flesh. Feeding and clothing himself in a Divine manner, Man simply did not think about food and clothing. Thought was otherwise occupied — with the excitement of discovery. And no rulers reigned over human society. There were no boundaries marking off states as today.
      Human society on the Earth consisted of happy families. The various continents were inhabited by families. There were all united by their aspiration to create a Space of Splendor. . . .
      There were many rituals, holidays and carnivals among the people of the Vedic Age, each imbued with great meaning, sensitivity and a conscious awareness of the real Divine existence on the Earth.
      Each ritual served as a grand school and a grand examination for each Man that took part in it. An examination in the eyes of others, in the eyes of one's self, and, consequently, in the eyes of God.

As I read the above passage, I couldn't help think of how much of that experience we have here in New Orleans and South Louisiana. Especially the rituals, holidays and carnival imbued with great meaning. There are festivals in multiple locations every weekend. Carnival season begins twelve days after Christmas with balls, followed by over three weeks of parades in which happy families dress up in costumes with special meaning to them and enjoy themselves. And all these celebrations and rituals involve music, home-grown music, whose production is a joy and an examination of the artists' and musicians' creativity.

In the detailed descriptions Anastasia gives on the wedding ritual, I recalled many of the weddings, bridal showers, and wedding gifts that I have observed and taken part in during my own life. Relatives and friends coming together to help a young married couple get started with gifts to fill their own Space of Love as they set up a household for the first time. We do a lot of things right already, but read on and see for yourself if Anastasia offers us ways to do things even better.

[page 104] The lovers-to-be could meet in various ways. . . . They could tell a lot about each other's feelings simply by looking into each other's eyes. But there were words too, which , when translated into today's language, might sound something like this:
      "With you, my beautiful goddess, I could create a Space of Love to last forever," he would tell his intended.
      "And if the girls's heart responded in kind, she might answer:
      "My god, I am ready to help you in your grand co-creation."
      Next the young lovers would jointly select a location for their future home.

This is a dramatically different approach than most couples today experience, but note the focus on the future, on a Space of Love, and co-creation. This can only come about when in their early lives, the couple were raised in a Space of Love themselves.

[page 105] From early childhood both he and she had been bearing witness to the marvelous domains, oases and Paradise gardens their parents had created in love, and now they were aspiring to co-create their own.
      On their chosen plot of land, a hectare or more in size, the lovers laid out a plan for real life ahead. the task before them was to mentally formulate a design for their home and work out an arrangement for a wide variety of plant life, where everything could work in mutual support and harmony.

Note the focus at every point is on living not on "making a life" for themselves. Not on getting a job or making it big in the world. Simply living and creating a living space for themselves in which they might together raise their own children in a garden paradise.

[page 106] Once the design was complete in their thoughts, the lovers first paid their respects to the bridegroom's home village, where they went around to every house and invited the residents to come for a visit. Each household awaited their arrival with great excitement and anticipation.
      The people of the Vedic culture knew that when lovers came to see them, a new energy of Divine Love would visit their domain, albeit for a moment. . . . When the young couple dropped in on a garden, a courtyard or a house, they would say just a few words to the residents. Just a sentence to each one. Something like: Oh, what a splendid apple tree you have! or Your cat has a knowing look! or Your bear is a real worker, very considerate! . . .
      It was with great pride and joy in the face of the whole village that each resident aspired to present the young couple with the object of their praise as a gift. And all would wait with anticipation for the day the couple had selected, when they would present their gifts to the bride and groom.

We see the beginnings of the kin's domain for the young couple forming, first in their own eyes and then in the eyes of the villagers. The day comes the couple had selected and the scene switches to the hectare of land they have chosen for their kin's domain. The people that the couple had earlier visited arrive and take their position along the perimeter of the domain which marked out by dry branches. In the middle is a little mound of earth, decorated with flowers.

[page 107, 108] Look now and you will behold a most extraordinary scene!
      There he is! Look! Here is a young man coming out to greet the residents of the two villages. He is magnificent, a virtual 'Apollo'! With hair of russet brown and eyes of bright blue, he ascends the mound. Now on top of the mound, Radomir — that is his name — is excited. The eyes of all the people present are fixed on him alone. And in the ensuing silence he begins his speech.

Radomir lays out for the villagers the design of the domain that he and his beloved have co-created. He points out where the cherry tree will grow, where the pear, where the groves of pin, oak, and cedar will be, and what kind of berry bushes will form the living fence between them. Even where the bees will build their hives and the bear will hibernate in the winter. (Page 108)

[page 108] And each time the young man points to a spot where some living thing will grow, according to his grand design, someone from the group of people listening will go over and stand on the future site of the apple tree, pear tree, or cherry tree. . . . Those stepping forth from the assembly are already holding in their hands saplings of the tree or plant designated for the selected spots where beauty is to unfold.

Then Radomir announces to the people, "I have not created this Space of Love in isolation. Here is my marvelous inspiration standing beside me before you all." The girl's mother comes up to her and asks if she likes everything about the future she has been shown, the girl says yes, but suddenly decides to add something.

[page 110] Quickly jumping down from the mound, she all at once runs through the crowd to the edge of her future garden, where she stops and says:
      "Here is where an evergreen should grow, with a birch beside it. When a breeze blows from that direction, it will first meet the branches of the pine, then the birch, and after that the breeze will ask the trees of the garden to sing a tune."

The young maiden runs to various parts of the garden area describing the bright flowers which will grow in various places.

[page 111] The maiden, all aglow like a fairy, starts dancing around her future garden. And once more the people remaining in the circle set themselves in motion, hurrying about to carry the seeds in their hands to the spots on the ground the high-spirited girl has pointed out.

After finishing her dance, she runs up on the mound next to Radomir and says to all, "Now the Space here will be splendid in its sheen. The earth will produce a most marvelous scene." Her mother asks her who she would choose to reign over this marvelous Space. She searches through the crowd, and finally says to all: "He is worthy to wear the crown whose thought is able to create a future that will be splendid all around." With these words she touches Radomir's shoulder.

[page 111] He gets down on one knee before her. And the girl places on his head a most beautiful crown, a garland woven from sweet-smelling grasses by the maiden's own hand. Then, running her fingers three times through her fiancé's hair with her right hand, she takes hold of his head with her left and draws it a little closer to herself. Upon her signal the young man stands up. Then the girl runs down from the mound, and bows her head ever so slightly in a sign of meekness.

It is time for the father of the groom to question his son. After several questions, the father puts this one to the bridegroom:

[page 112] "The energy of Love is capable of wandering through the whole Universe. How will you manage to see the reflection of universal love on Earth?"
      "There is one girl, Father, and for me she is the reflection of universal love on the Earth."
      With these words the young man comes down to where the girl is standing, takes her by the hand and leads her back up to the mound.

The two families all come together in a great celebration of hugging, jokes, and laughter until finally the young man raises his hand and says to all present, "My thanks to all who heard me in this place. My soul has spoken of the creation of a new Space. My thanks to all who have held the energy of Love in such high esteem. May what has been conceived by the soul's dream now sprout from the earth!" (Pages 112, 113)

[page 113] These words have the effect of setting all the people standing around in joyful motion. And with pride and joy and great emotion the people plant the seeds and saplings in the ground. Each one plants just one sapling in the spot indicated by the young man as set forth in his plan. Those not assigned a specific spot set about to walk around the perimeter of the plot which has already been marked out, and to the song of the khorovod [a circle dance] throw the seeds they have brought with them into the ground.

The couple accept more gifts, this time of a dog, a puppy, a kitten, a lamb, a colt, and a bear cub. The bridegroom expresses his thanks to everyone, "Thank you all for co-creating this Space. My descendants will care for it over the centuries to come." and his bride, "Our thanks to the mothers who bore the creator." More circle dancing happens, this time around the entire plot of the Space of Love. (Page 115)

The final wedding event takes place over the next couple of days and results in the first dwelling place of the couple on their new kin's domain.

[page 115, 116] And over the course of the following night and day the best craftsmen from both villages will build the couple a little house to the accompaniment of song and the khorovod. They will fit the rows of timbers tight together, the moss and grass between making a sweet-smelling bouquet. And by the end of that day the women of the village will place the best fruits of their harvest in the new home. The two mothers will cover the bed with a linen counterpane. And by the second night every last one of the visitors will be gone from the domain.

"Keeping up with the Joneses" is a sad process which causes many modern couples to work and slave simply to acquire things better than their neighbors, only to find that success at doing that is an empty victory, the bitter fruit of seeds sown in envy, which leads to disease, anger, combat. On the other hand, built right into the amazing wedding ritual, which creates for the young couple a first home, together with the plants, bushes, and trees for their kin's domain already planted, is an inoculation which prevents anyone from feeling anything but good about the couple's new Space of Love. All their friends and relatives have taken a part in the co-creation of their domain and each time they visit the couple they will be able to enjoy the living and growing reality of what they helped to build. They will always take pride in the couple's domain with never a trace of envy.

The result is a happy home in the domain of a healthy family. The processes of thought and creativity will be used to increase the family's happiness and not to build artificial devices of dubious benefit or outright destructive intent.

[page 118] A domain which is home to a happy family should be able to satisfy all the food requirements of everybody living in it, hour by hour.
      Disease should not be permitted to have even a foothold. The changing reality of the scene before Man should moment by moment gladden his gaze. It should delight the ear with an infinite variety of sounds, and the nostrils with flowering fragrances.
      And provide ethereal food for the soul, nursing the newborn and preserving love for ever. And so no member of the family should be wasting their energies on mundane concerns — their thought should remain free. Thought is given to all people for creative purposes.

It is quiet enough to hear a pin drop where I am at this moment, so I can hear a cascading echo of "Yes, but's. . ." coming to me from each reader. "Yes, but how will they buy clothes?" "Yes, but how will the children get to school?" "Yes, but how will they keep intruders off their domain?" "Yes, but __________?" Just fill in the blanks with your own objections to this way of life. There are complete answers to each of the objections, but you, dear Reader, will have to read the entire Ringing Cedar Series to get them.

No one in the academic world would support such a way of life. They take pride in the doctors, lawyers, aircraft engineers, and weapons makers, among other occupations that they provide instruction for in their science, engineering, medical disciplines, etc. But for what purpose?

[page 118, 119] The world of academe takes pride in its illusions:
      "See, our ships are flying into space for the benefit of mankind!"
      "For mankind's benefit, you say?"
      "See all those bombs going off? They are to protect you!"
      "But are they really to protect us?"
      "See how this learned doctor has saved your life!"
      But up to that point life was in the process of being annihilated, moment by moment, by everyday concerns. They save the life of a slave to prolong his suffering.
      The world of academe is in no position to create even the similitude of a splendid domain because, again, there is a law of the Universe which says: A single Creator inspired by love is stronger than all the sciences combined, which are deprived of love.

When Del and I became friends, we lived together about a year before I realized that this was a relationship that would live and grow indefinitely over the years. I brought up the possibility of marriage and she replied with a terse one-word question: "Why?" When I asked her to explain what her concerns were, she answered with another question, "Why ruin a good thing?" I pondered those questions for some time and came back with my answers. To Why? I answered, because of the legal ramifications. It is only a piece of paper, but some people take it seriously, so we'll file that piece of paper with the State.

To her second question, I had written out a contract with a series of clauses. The idea for the contract was inspired by a facetious problem posed in Mathematics magazine around 1960 when I was in college. It went like this: "Given that there is at least one lion in the desert, how you capture the lion and put it in your corral?"The answer was to do an matrix inversion of everything that was in the empty corral with everything in the desert outside of the corral. Bang! In the corral there will appear a lion! Here's how I applied the inversion process to the clauses of the contract. In my study of why it is people get attracted to each other, get married, and then find out over time they don't like each other, it occurred to me that every marriage ceremony I had ever witnessed or read had this feature: the bride and the groom make vows to each other. These are solemn vows which they promise never to break, but over time, one or more vows get broken, and the marriage begins to fall apart. The vows that they made so willingly during the ceremony often begin to feel confining and the couple feel trapped, like a lion in the corral in the desert. Divorce seems at that point the only solution.

But, I thought, what if I inverted the vows? Then the couple would be free like the lion in desert — they would always remain outside the confining bars of the corral! They could always be true to their vows and therefore remain friends and married indefinitely. The entire contract is available here, but a list of the first three is enough to demonstrate the process of how they work:

      1. We will not require each other to be unfaithful.
      2. We will not be required to disobey the other.
      3. We will not be required to cherish the other.

These first three clauses completely invert the usual "love, honor, obey, and be faithful" vows that fill most wedding ceremonies, up until now. Del and I agreed that we could be faithful to each other, could obey each other, and could cherish each other without violating our agreement in the contract, but we were not forced by some vow or contract to do so. Therefore, at every point during the thirty years Del and I have since been married, when either of us has loved, honored, obeyed or been faithful, we have done so spontaneously out of our own free will!(7)

Del and I did read and discuss each of the twelve clauses. She had a bit of a problem with clause No. 6. "We do not agree that marriage has meaning to us outside of the legal issues." She felt marriage had some meaning outside the legal issues, and she thought about it and decided to drop her objection. We did not sign the contract — it's worth came from our agreeing to the clauses. When it came time to create our wedding ceremony, we came up with only two vows and made sure that they were open-ended vows we could always agree to: Each of us said "I do" to this vow: "Do you agree to take yourself for better or worse?" and Del said "I do" to this vow: "Do you agree to be woman to Bobby?" and I to this one: "Do you agree to be man to Del?"

Given the vows, that couples typically take during their marriage ceremonies, it is not surprising that the feeling of love wanes over time and that soon many of the couples get on each other's nerves. If they stay together, it is called a "marriage of convenience", but it is actually a "marriage of inconvenience" because there is nothing more inconvenient than being married to someone who gets on your nerves! It is, as Anastasia says in the passage below, "unnatural". Are you, dear Reader leading or planning to lead such a life style?

[page 120] In our modern day this feeling of mutual love in married couples always tends to dissipate after a while. The energy of Love is no longer within them. And this is something accepted as a given by human society. But this scenario is unnatural to Man. It tells us that the lifestyle people lead today is unnatural.

In the Chapter "Imagery and trial" I find a passage that I find ill-considered and misleading. Anastasia asks three questions about the verses 22-29 of Matthew's Gospel. I take issue with the presuppositions she generates with these questions.

[page 160] What does it mean: "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel"? Why are Jesus' teachings only for the Jews? Why did he consider the Jewish people to be lost?

Let's examine the context in which these words quoted of Christ Jesus were spoken. His disciples urged that he send away this woman who was possessed by demons (and therefore had lost her soul). After a time Christ Jesus told his disciples, by way of explanation, why he would proceed to help the woman, "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (KJV) As I interpret his words, he was saying to his disciples, "My charge is to help such lost souls as she in this region of the world." It requires a contortion of the facts at hand to use that passage of the Bible to claim that Christ Jesus was proclaiming therein that all of his teachings were only for the Jews! and worse still to presuppose that he considered all the Jewish people to be lost! Unfortunately, that is what Anastasia/Megré does.

Suppose one of Anastasia's beloved dachniks came up to her in Megré's presence and bugged her about how his dachnik garden wasn't growing well, and Megré suggested to Anastasia that the man be turned away. Would not it seem natural for Anastasia to reply, "I am not sent but to the lost dachniks of this region of Russia." It is a way of emphasizing what one sees one's primary duty to be. Could we presume thereby that Anastasia's teachings were only for the dachniks in Russia? Or that she considered thereby all of the dachniks in Russia to be lost?

The lack of insight by Anastasia into the reality of the role played by Christ in the evolution of the Earth seems to me clearly revealed in the above passage by commission and many other places by omission.

Chapter Seven, "The secret war with Vedic Rus' " has two marvelous parables in it told by Anastasia along with the history of the Vedic Rus' people and their war with the so-called "occult forces" or dark forces. Here's an excerpt from the war narrative:

[page 186] During the thousand-year war the priest changed his tactics a number of times, but all to no avail. Rus' still laughed, as before, at his occult intrusions. The people referred to those preachers as miserable wretches. At that time wretchedness was not equated with physical affliction but with occultism. People in Rus' took pity on the wretched preachers, they fed them and offered them shelter, but did not take any of their sermons seriously.

Another interesting piece of information Anastasia offers in her narrative is that the practice of eating meat started with the nomadic peoples who lived on land which was often completely void of any vegetation except grasses. (Page 191) For similar reasons, the Eskimos of the far north evolved into meat eaters. Descendants of nomads and Eskimos would have trouble adjusting to a vegetarian diet even today because digesting vegetables requires a much longer intestines than their short, meat-digesting intestines provide.

In Chapter Nine, "A Need to Think", there is a section titled, "Who saved America?" Vladimir had been doing a lot of studying about the series of terrorist acts during September 11 in America and decided that something was missing. He called Anastasia and asked if she could fill in the details, and here's what she said:

[page 210] "The mastermind behind this was counting on six terrorist groups to act in succession. Each of the six groups was to act independently at its appointed time, without knowing anything about each other. And their leaders did not know who was behind it all or what the ultimate goal was. Each group was made up of religious fanatics, ready to die for the cause."

Vladimir got really excited as he realized that the terrorists did not succeed in carrying out all the horrific acts that Anastasia laid out for him. He exclaimed:

[page 212] The whole process got cut off! And I think I can guess why. Because the real masterminds are to be found among the [dark forces's] priests who are alive today. And they were frightened by Bush's actions and were obliged to jump the gun! Right?"

Anastasia said, "Yes." and asked him not to get so emotional about it. What Vladimir describes next is his insight into who saved America using information he had gleaned from Anastasia’s teachings about the dark forces of the priests and other occultists — how they keep people in charge from making effective decisions by bombarding them with fears through their incessant questions and suggestions.

[page 212] "But I've almost got myself calmed down now. Or maybe not. This is hard to talk about without getting emotional. But hey! — The President of America, Bush, has really stirred things up for those smart asses. [RJM: the masterminds referred to above] I realized how horrified they must have been when he . . . When President Bush all at once upped and left for his ranch in Texas."

What is the significance of the ranch in Crawford, Texas for George W. Bush? It is his kin's domain, his own Space of Love, where he get outside the walls of the White House with abstract reasoning and thoughts bouncing off of them, and place himself in the middle of the calming effects of Nature, surrounded by living things that he has watched grow and bloom under his care and shepherding. He had a need to think and this was the ideal place for him to do some serious thinking. And it kept him isolated from the echoing walls of conference rooms and offices with ringing phones and constant interruptions. Here again is Vladimir talking to Anastasia:

[page 213] "Nobody, but nobody, understood! Here was George Bush, the President of the United States of America, taking a colossal step which not a single president had ever taken before in the whole history of the country. Maybe not a single ruler has ever thought of doing something like that over the past five or ten thousand years!"
      "You are right, they have not."
      "The beautiful thing is that for the first time the ruler of a huge country, the most important country in the world, much to the horror of all the priests, suddenly tore himself away from his artificial information field. He simply picked himself up and left it behind. And with that he came out from under control of the occultists."

Why is Vladimir so excited about this observation of his about Bush's behavior in going to ranch for a full month? Because it shows the importance of family domains of the type that Anastasia is urging the people of the world to build for themselves. Vladimir continues talking to Anastasia:

[page 215] "The American President has come up with the best, the strongest and most convincing advertisement for the family domains you spoke of. The future family domains of Russia — of the whole world! If people don't understand it after this, then mankind really is asleep. Or just about everyone's under somebody's hypnosis. And that's why they're sick and in agony, that's why they use drugs and go to war and kill each other. If mankind doesn't come out of this hypnosis after your words, after Bush's actions, then it's going to take a disaster.

The glad tidings are that the readers of Anastasia's books are planning and moving into their own family domains. The building of these domains will provide an antidote to the soporific enslavement of humankind in coming years as more and more people come to understand that a family domain is within their own reach and the benefits to them and their kin that will accrue from living in such a self-sustaining Space of Love. Anastasia sums it up:

[page 213] "The glad tidings of these domains will keep spreading throughout the world. People all over the globe will be roused out of their hypnotic incarceration, they will awaken from their millennial sleep. They will change their way of life and build a Divine world on the Earth with inspiration."

Chapter Ten, "The Book of Kin" is the eponymous chapter and yet it refers to a Book of Kin as a book that is created by the builder of a kin's domain in which the design of the domain is described and a record is created for generations to come who will live in the kin's domain. The domain itself will be able to be read by the smallest child because it will contain the acts and deeds of its parents and grandparents displayed and growing all visibly around them. Anastasia suggests that "clarity comes directly when a son reads a book of his forebears, which his father and mother have continued personally for him." But Vladimir objects, "Not everyone knows how to write a book." (Page 242) Seems he told that to Anastasia when he first met her — that he himself could not write a book, but look at him now. Anastasia replies:

[page 243] "Everyone can if they feel the demand to do so — if they are looking to protect their children, and in the future themselves, from false dogmas. In Vedic times every father and mother would write a book of kin for their future children and grandchildren. This book was not comprised of words, but of deeds. Children could read created space like a book, and understand the deeds and thoughts of their parents, and were happy to inherit a happy space. Only one thing was missing from that book — children were not alerted to the world of the occult. It was not part of the complete awareness of the omniscient Veduns [RJM: wise men]. Now that all mankind has been able to detect in their own experience the devastating influences exerted on themselves by the occult dogmas, they will certainly be able to protect their children from them.
      "Even if there are not yet any domains to bloom in the spring, thoughts about them are already alive in many human hearts. They need to start writing a book precisely about their thoughts, for their children."

Vladimir plans to begin writing his own Book of Kin. He tells Anastasia what he plans to write and includes those two paragraphs on pages 262 and 263. Anastasia listens intently as he speaks.

[page 263] As before, Anastasia sat quietly by and listened while I vented my reasonings aloud. When I stopped, she got up, walked over to the window and observed:
      "The stars are beginning to twinkle in the sky. It is time for me to go, Vladimir. You are right in many respects. But be careful not to let these new visions of reality make you want to control others. Get the better of such a temptation and do not join any organizations. Other people, too, are seeing this reality. Once they have organized, they will bring about a significant achievement on the Earth. You will understand your own destiny in life.

She suggests that Vladimir needs rest and sleep, and Vladimir objects, saying that if he goes to sleep, she will go away, that he wants her to always be beside him. She responds:

[page 263] "I am always beside you. Whenever you think of me. You will soon begin to feel and understand this. Now wash yourself with water and go to sleep."

Vladimir can't sleep so she sings him a song as a lullaby, one written by a reader in the Ukraine. It works and Vladimir is ready to fall asleep, but before he does he thinks to himself words reminiscent of Scarlet O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind": "Of course, tomorrow is another day."

[page 265, 266] It will be better. I shall describe the dawn of a brand new day. And many people will start writing in their Books of Kin about how a splendid new beginning has been dawning on mankind. And these will be the greatest historical books for their descendants for thousands of years of time. And one of them will be mine. Tomorrow I shall start writing a new book, and now I shall be able to give it a more coherent-sounding design. And the new book will define a new historic turning-point for the people of the Earth — a turning to the marvelous reality of the Divine.

Now, dear Reader, I would like to close this review by sharing with you the beginning paragraphs of Del and my Book of Kin which I wrote down a few minutes ago after we had located a suitably sturdy and beautiful blank book to dedicate to writing down our dreams and plans for our kin's domain. The next day when Del finished copy-editing my review, she appended a note which she added to the first page of our Book of Kin. Both notes are below.

November 14, 2007: On this day I write down in my own hand our intention, Bobby & Del, to create our Kin's Domain. I acknowledge that we have been dreaming of our domain and discussing our dreams for our Kin's Domain for several weeks. We would like to acquire 5 acres of land in a 2X1 rectangle consisting of two hectares, so that another kin's domain may be built adjacent to the first at a later date. — Bobby Matherne

November 15, 2007: We believe Anastasia to be correct. We are Man and dedicate ourselves to being co-creators with God. — Del Matherne


All Published Volumes of The Ringing Cedar Series

To Read any book listed, Click on Ringing Cedars Logo below and order yourself a copy. Click Here to Order a copy of any book in the Ringing Cedars Series

Book 1:       Anastasia
Book 2:       The Ringing Cedars of Russia
Book 3:       The Space of Love
Book 4:       Co-creation
Book 5:       Who Are We?
Book 6:       The Book of Kin
Book 7:       The Energy of Life
Book 8.1:    The New Civilization, Part 1
Book 8.2:    Rites of Love, Part 2

---------------------------- Footnotes -----------------------------------------

Footnote 1. Doylic memories and how they are stored in utero and later in children up to the age of five years old is explained in this essay, The Childhood of Humanity. How unwanted doylic memories can be removed is described in the Introduction to the science of doyletics' website.

Return to text directly before Footnote 1.

Footnote 2. When I suggested to Del that we get married thirty years ago, she asked me, "Why spoil a good thing?" I thought that was an excellent question so I pondered on it. My response was to create a marriage contract which consisted of inverted versions of the usual promises and vows people usually make during weddings. You can read it here:

Return to text directly before Footnote 2.


Footnote 3. RJM NOTE: Not quite on his own and the seeds had been planted in his and wife's mind by the sayings of Anastasia.

Return to text directly before Footnote 3.


Footnote 4. RJM: Volodnya learns from Anastasia’s words, not from books, not from writing. In one-to-one communication, concepts flow freely from mind-to-mind, but not so when one reads another’s words in written form. Plato in Phaedrus says writing offers “the appearance of truth, not truth,” i.e., concepts are not flowing mind-to-mind.

Return to text directly before Footnote 4.


Any questions about this review, Contact: Bobby Matherne


Footnote 5. One can read what she said right after the above words in the quotations from page 197 of my review of Book 3, The Space of Love.

Return to text directly before Footnote 5.


Footnote 6. Anastasia uses the word “occult” synonymously with “dark” and systematically as an adjective to refer to dark forces. Thus, "Occult Age" could also be called "Dark Forces Age". Unfortunately the word "occult" in its original descriptive sense means simply "hidden", and there are many forces of light which have also been hidden for thousands of years, for example, see: An Outline of Occult Science.

Return to text directly before Footnote 6.


Footnote 7. Rightly understood, the usual promises to love, honor and obey place the bride and groom into a Be Spontaneous Paradox from which they cannot escape without becoming divorced. If you tell someone, "Tell me you love me." You have done a similar thing, and the person is trapped: if they refuse, you'll think they don't love you, if they acquiesce, you feel as if they only said it because you asked them to. Such a process starts the break up of marriage very quickly.

Return to text directly before Footnote 7.


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